chapter 33

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Some locations are known for high levels of suicide attempts.  These include San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, Japan's Okigahara Wilderness, England's Beach Head, and Toronto's Bloor Street Viaduct.  From its construction in 1937 to 2010, 1,300 people have died on the Golden Gate bridge.  In many places, where suicide is common, barriers have been created to prevent it.

These include the Luminous Well in Toronto, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York.  In 2011 a barrier was being constructed on the Golden Gate bridge.  These generally look quite effective.

Other species

Since suicide requires a deliberate attempt to die, some people feel that this cannot happen in non-human animals.  Suicide behavior has been observed in Salmonella, a immune system response against them to overcome competing bacteria.

Suicide protection has also been found in the staff of the "Forellius pusillus" ants found in Brazil, where a small group of ants leave the enclosure every evening to protect it.  When the aphid is threatened by a ladybug, they can explode themselves, leaving their companions safe to disintegrate and in this way the lady bug also dies. 

Some species of termites have soldiers that burst and their enemies are trapped in their sticky material.  Some stories related to suicide are also about dogs, horses and dolphins, but there is no conclusive evidence.  Very few scientific studies on animal suicide are available.

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