Chapter 10

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Autumn's POV

I walk out the door and find Luke standing in front of his car waiting for me. He's definitely checking me out right now and I do check him out too. He's wearing a white t-shirt with denim jacket and denim pants.

"Hey Luke." I ask shyly waiting for his answer. "Do I look okay?" "Wow Autumn. You look better than okay. Absolutely beautiful." He comes towards me and kiss my forehead. I'm blushing hard right now.

"You look good too" I say to Luke. "Just good?" He teases me then laughs. "You look handsome." I murmur lowly. I bet he hears it. "Let's go! Or we're gonna be late."

As usual he opens the car door for me, such a gentleman. "Why? Where are we going?" I ask him again. "Be patient Autumn." I huff and he starts to drive.

After driving for almost one hour, we finally arrive. "And we have arrived!" Luke announces and we get off the car. I scream loudly. "You bring me to the beach!" I run and hug him tightly. "Thank you." "Anything for my lady."

"Come, we have to watch the sunset." We walk near the water and sit down on the mat that Luke had laid before.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I ask him. He answers, "Yes, so beautiful." Instead of looking at the sunset, he is looking at me. I'm probably red as tomato now. He then tucks my falling hair and put it behind my ears.

"But why there is no one here Luke?" "Because this is a private beach. My family owns it." He proudly tells me.

"Aha, showing off are we." "Nope, just trying to impress my lady." He slowly gets up dan helps me. "Come, let's eat dinner now. I bet you're hungry."

He leads me to the table and pulls the chair out for me. The table is a little bit far away, so the sand won't fly into our food. After we sat down, the server starts to bring our food.

"I ask them to prepare spaghetti for you, your favorite." Luke says. "How thoughtful." I look at him dreamily and soon we start to eat as we make small conversation.

"You enjoyed?" He asks me. "It's perfect." I nod. "Thanks for bringing me here." He smiles widely saying "My pleasure."

"Now come, the night hasn't ended yet." He pulls me towards the water. "Do you want to take a walk?" I nod at him. "Pull off your shoes then." I look up at him, "Barefoot?" "Yes, you will enjoy it."

True with his words, I really enjoy it. The moment when your feet touch the sand and when you hear the ocean waves lapping on the shore, it brings you calm. Wonderful!

We walk side by side holding hands. As time goes by, I feel myself shiver and Luke notices it.  He quickly takes his jacket off and drapes it on me. "You warm now?" I shake my head, still feeling slightly cold.

Then he does the unexpected. He suddenly back hugs me, trying to keep me warm. He puts his head on my head and I rest my head on his chest. "What about now?" "Better."

We stay in that position for a long time, enjoying each other's embrace. I slowly getting sleepy. "Let's lie down for a moment."

"It's late. Should we head back now?" I ask sleepily. "Don't worry. We still have time. Besides I have asked for your Dad's permission." "Hmm, okay."

Luke is facing me. He stretches his right arm so that I can use it as my pillow and his left arm wraps around my waist keeping me warm as I stare at the night sky. The sky is full of stars tonight, shining so bright.

When I am busy staring at the sky, Luke suddenly kiss my left cheeks. "What are you doing?" I look at him shocked. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. I slowly nod my head and he attacks my lips turning it into a heated one.

Well, there goes my first kiss. When he kisses me, I feel warm and fuzzy, definitely liking the kiss. I break the kiss feeling a little bit breathless and hide my face in his chest feeling embarrassed. He just chuckles while look at me.

"Wake up Autumn, time to go home." Luke shakes me gently waking me up. I didn't realize that I have fallen asleep in his arms. "Carry me. I'm sleepy." I mumble snuggling into him more.

He then carries me bridal style and I wraps both my arms around his neck. Putting my face into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. I think I'm falling for him more than before.

A bit longer but not long enough. I still hope you guys enjoy it very much.
Happy reading!

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