Getting a friend

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Dear Hurt book,

I've said previously how much of a lonely child I was right? Well I was those 3 were more acquaintances then friends... they wouldn't go to help the only played with me to apparently get event teams or whatever and sometimes they weren't there for me to play with. Anyways I had to leave them. Our first real technically family outing was moving to a new neighbourhood.

I retreated into myself. Staying in my shell. On one of those days, I was walking around aimlessly in the park counting my steps. I was so fucking bored. Eventually I came across a boy. He had dark black hair. I mean black is a dark colour but you get what I mean. Anyways his hair swept across his face and he was watching a screen. He kinda looked like Sadako.

He looked younger than me but like a year... maybe I would be able to make friends with him. I had always dreamed of having a friend. You know like that genie in Aladin. He would be with me forever. You know be my friend forever without a single fight but that's the fantasy isn't it. To get the perfect friend. There's no such thing but Kenma it turned out to be the closest thing to it.

Carrying on. I walked up to him. Then sat next to him and waited for him to speak of something to be fair I had no idea what I expected. What would you do if a strange boy walked next to you and sat down?

He didn't do anything just nothing we sat there in silence. Yep sat in silence. Utter annoying silence. A bit my tongue like what I do with my parents. It's so hard to break the silence. It's not that I don't like silence I just find it irritating.

I break it and beginning talking even if he has headphones on. It makes it way better for me. I just ramble with everything on my mind. It was very awkward. I didn't think he was listening so in the middle of my story I just stopped and said a thank you and was about lo leave when he actually opened his mouth... kenma actually spoke.

"It's rude to stop talking in mid story?"

"You were listening?"

"Just cause I'm wearing headphones doesn't mean it blocks out my surroundings." Yeh it was a rare occasion where Kenma showed his emotions. He was the first person to ever tell me to not stop talking and carry on. In time I stopped being that nervous and awkwardly shy kid. It's cringe but

Who knew this little boy would become my massive crush.

- The Nekoma Captain

The life of a fake boy ~ Kuroken angstWhere stories live. Discover now