The act of the rooster

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Dear Hurt Book,

Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Someone whose not you. Everyone would think it would be fun. Let me tell you it's not. Because after you start you can't stop. Hi I'm Kuroo Tetsurō and I can guarantee you don't know me. Let's just try catch you up to begin with. Actually let's start with the day I began this act. I'm going to call it the act of the rooster.

To be honest I don't know when it started. Maybe it was I was one or something but when I was trapped indoor all day I would look at other kids laughing and smiling. I remember just wanting to be one of them. They were playing which I now know is a volleyball but back then I thought it was the source of all happiness. The way they looked as if they were floating on cloud nine I wanted that. But now I know it was all just a fantasy so magical dream so bloody far away.

Anyways as soon as I walked and was able to run I was allowed out. Maybe it was because my parents wanted me to run away or something I don't know. I ran straight to the place where I had seen those kids. And to answer you questions yes they were still there. And yes they're still jolly. Then I spotted the volleyball. Although our volleyballs are way better this one I will never forget. Maybe it was because of the colourlessness or maybe it was the fact it I had never seen one before.

I toddled over and went to play with the glorious ball. But as soon as I picked it up. I felt none of the magical,t feeling that is called happiness wash over me instead I heard footstep which made me get never which mad me trip over. It hurt like hell. But I didn't cry. My parents hit me harder even back then. I was about to jump to me feet but I saw a hand outstretched. I hesitantly looked up they'll be so bad that i tried to steal there happiness. Oh no they going to make me bleed worse than my parents do. I touch they hand as it yanks me up. I'm looking at the ground. I didn't want to see there disgusted faces. The hand was stretched out again but in a hand shake manner.

"I'm Cori Wasis. This is Mat Chottee and that's Maya Laxumberg." Do I shake it?

"Kuroo." I say just above a whisper... when is the slap, punch or kick coming.

"Would you like to play?"

Wait a second what they are... they want me to play. Hell yeah if I can get some of that happiness yes. So I nod frantically. We play for what feel like a second which in reality was 4 and a half hours. I wipe the sweat off.

"You know Kuroo your cool."

"Thanks." It was bugging that question on why they'd want me to play but instead today. I'd bite my tongue. This was the first of many time I played with them and this was the first time I felt happy in a long time or for that matter a long time to come.

I found volleyball was a way to relax me. The real reason I kept playing for my earlier years is because I actually believed volleyball was magic and in a way it was but not in the sense of which I believed it was when I was younger.

I remember getting home that day and my parents were so drunk they had passed out. I slipped last then and jumped straight into my be bed. I remember falling asleep with a massive smile and for once I was content with everything. I definitely believed magic was real and it was in volleyball. The truth is that later I figured out it wasn't the ball or the game that made you find happiness but the people.

- KT

The life of a fake boy ~ Kuroken angstWhere stories live. Discover now