Breaking up with volleyball

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Dear Hurt book,

I never thought it was possible. I want to stop playing volleyball. Something that I've loved since I was a tiny kid. I want to quit. I've just lost total motivation. However I just don't like playing it. It was like a girlfriend and now we have broken up. Maybe it's just a separation or has it just really lost its spark.

But this is unlike Kenma's losing motivation because everyone knows he will fall in love with it (like he did with that ray of sunshine from karosuna). He's such an angel and I can't even hate him. Damn it! But getting back to VB I can't just quit. They'll all hate me. Sigh.

Does it ever feel like your going in circles?  Why does everything have to do with everything!? Why can't we just separate them all into perfect categories no overlaps?

But noooo...

Life just has to tell me to get lost and messes with my emotions. I was doing just fine and then bam now I have feeling that we're growing inside me just sprout out and begin to help me feel jealous.

And every time I feel it sucks. Most people are like feelings are good. Yeh well you try falling I love with your best friend and hero did I mention childhood best friend so you already have the bond you don't want to break. Yeh and also did I mention he is thoroughly in love with another and I don't wanna ruin him by saying I have a crush on you. He might feel pressured.

So I'll sit in the silence and pain as I continue to have to wear long sleeved despite the heat. As the scars grow so do the web of lies called Kuroo Tetsurō continues to grow too. Am I ever going to get out? Or rekindle my love of volleyball sigh.

Kuro. Adios

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