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Dear Hurt Book,

Do any of these so called friends even ask if I'm okay? No. But neither does my childhood friend so I wound expect them to. So am I okay?

I'm fine. Except for the constant abuse and pain I feel. And the feeling of when I go to sleep never wanting to wake up. And fearing for my life every time I even enter this so called place I have to call home. Actually it's the only place I can call home. I have no where else. Plus isn't all that bad if you get over the physical and emotional and mental pain it's all rainbows and sunshine's.

Why are so-called friends never consistent? I'm beginning to feel like my soul, when it comes to friends, is just a revolving door. No sooner are they there than they're gone. They speak to me only in awkward silences. The thing popularity is thus happens like merry go round. Round and round. I only know three people who will probably stick round me. AGAASHI, OWL HEAD and KITTEN 🐱. Even then I don't know if I can trust they may just leave me. I mean if I told them the truth. Not that I don't trust they but my fears definitely out rule my bravery in this case. I mean I'd rather keep this act for an eternity then lose them.

Au revoir mes ami

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