How could they be so blind

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Kuroo had left the gym to deal with some injuries you know he usual captain sit. Anyways Bokuto, Akaashi and Kenma were all in the gym waiting for him. Akaashi getting driven totally insane by Bokuto. Kenma's Nintendo was dying running out of battery. The world was ending.

So he did they only plausible thing in this situation he went through everyone's bag to find a charger. He immediately crawled then dove into his friend's bag. Well not dove he tipped it over for all the contents to fall into his lap. There was no charger. Ugh! He had to place everything back in. He got up and began to place them back in. Gah.

The scheming captain ran straight in wide eyed and raced to Kenma. Grabbing his bag saying a quick bye not even bothering asking kenma why he was next to his bag. He just ran quickly out of the gym... weird. The two other found it weird as well because te kept looking from the door to Kenma (where the bag was).

The owl ace walked over two him and picked up a funny little black book and his homework. Looking a bit like the notebook from death note. He smiled knowing exactly what it was. Or what he thought it was.

"Kenma this is for yooooou." He sang immediately his boyfriend snatched it out of his hands and smiled too. They both thought it was a diary. So he handed to him but the dipped dyed head setter didn't read he just got it and placed the scrawny thing into his bag with the homework and got up.

"I'm gonna go give it to him and then put my Nintendo on charge." Sighing he walked to Kuroo's house.

Eventually getting to the door he knocked rhythmically. There was yelling. He could of sworn there was a screech but he shook it off. As the door freaked up it revealed the black haired captain. He awkwardly sighed stepped out of the house.

"Hi Kenma this isn't a good time. Sorry." He shifted a his arms were folded and gave a forced cocky smile.

"You just forgot your homework." He grabbed the books out of his bags and gave them to him.

"Oh thanks."

Kuroo retreated back through the wooden door and slammed it shut. He sighed. He always felt like his Kuroo was hiding something. He never asked though. He always wished he asked. But never did. He just couldn't. He slowly walked home. Opening the door we went to his room and emptied the content of his bag. He shoved his switch on charge as his mind wondered back to Kuroo. He went to back all his stuff back away when he came across the book. Wasn't this the book that Akaashi and Bokuto said was meant for him. His switch was charging. One look couldn't hurt.

A few minutes later...

Kenma was running out of the house he needed to get his crush out of there. Tears were spilling down his face as he dialled Kuroo he didn't pick up so as he desperately ran down to the house. He carried on to dial everyone he knew. First Bokuto... Akaashi would be with him he'd call the police.

Hey hey hey... are you crying?

Get the police
There gonna kill him

(Bokuto handed Akaashi)
Tell me what happened

The book.
He abused.
Gonna kill
We need to help


I running to house
No time get police



Kenma hung up

Akaashi didn't hesitate. Kenma was one to always tell the truth. Even if sometimes he was brutally truth. So when Akaashi heard this he immediately dialled 110 (the Japanese police number) while also beginning to run to there friends house. The owl was confused but ran next to him while he was on the call only catching a few words on the the call . Those words were very worrying.

110 what's your emergency

Abuse in household (insert address)
You need to get there

May I ask you to stay calm

Stay calm when my friend might be fucking dying.
And we will need a fucking ambulance

May you repeat the address

(Insert address)

If this was true. Akaashi could only shudder. He looked at his boyfriend next to him who had tears running down his face. The water dropped down his chin as they carried on running. Akaashi himself had to bite his tongue to stop the tears and even then a pair of silvery blue droplets snaked down his cheeks.

His eyes were burned as water split out of them and his chest felt heavy as if it were filled with lead. He could hardly see clearly. But he knew he had to make it. He should have asked. The salty water dripped into his mouth. Kuroo couldn't die. He near to never cried. He hated crying. It felt ashamed whenever he did it made him feel like a child someone who couldn't protect himself. His lips were trembling. His throat clenched shut and hot tears rolled down his face. This wasn't real it was some sort of nightmare. He knew he would wake any second.

They all thought the same thing:
How could they be so blind!

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