o1. competition

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      George bellowed as he slammed down his fists down on the Gryffindor table; students jumped at the loud sound and whipped their heads around at the red head; gaining him a glare from McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house. His best friends Lee Jordan and twin brother, Fred, both smirking at him through full mouths of toast.
"How are you not furious?!" George continued, shoving his spoon down into his cereal. "We have invested almost all of our time at Hogwarts so far planning and carrying out our pranks! We are the ones who spent countless of detentions suffering for a laugh! The thought of these imposters not getting caught absolutely makes my blood boil..." he ended his rant with a gigantic bite of cereal.

"It does puzzle me honestly." Lee explained, "Do you think it's them? I mean, we were the reigning kings of pranks at this school until they showed up..." he nudged his head up the table at Fred and George's younger brother Ron and his friends Hermione and the famous Harry Potter.

Fred laughed, "No way. I believe Harry is still a little shell-shocked from finding out he survived You-Know-Who, Hermione is too scared of getting expelled and Ron... " he grinned shaking his head, "he's scared of everything."

"It just doesn't make sense. We are experienced and we still get caught, on occasion. How do they not get caught?!" George continued.

A few seats down, a brown headed girl laughed loudly - not realizing how loud until she earned a glare from the three boys. "Jealous, George?" She smirked, taking a sip of her tea.

Eleanor Blake; fellow 3rd year Gryffindor. George had known her since 1st year and they had always bickered - secretly, both of them loved it.

"Shut it, Blake." George said, shaking his head. "Don't you have somewhere to be, love?" He smirked as she rolled her brown eyes.

"Don't call me love." The brunette said, picking up her books. "And yes, so do you. Potions. You three are going to be late if you don't hurry." She skipped off out of the grand doors of the great hall.

"That woman. I swear. She knows exactly how to get under my skin. Doesn't need to worry about my whereabouts, that one." He continued rambling before he was cut off by his twin, "He's lovesick, Lee." George glared at him before they all left the Great Hall and showed up, late, to their Potions class.

Eleanor clutched her books to her chest and began the walk to the lake, where she met her twin sister, Eva, every evening.

Unlike Fred and George, Eleanor and Eva were far from identical. Eleanor had brown hair, brown eyes and was average height with a slender frame - Eva, on the other hand, had curls almost the same color as Eleanor, that bushed out on the side of her head similar to the first year Gryffindor, Hermione Granger. Her frame was short and curvy, and her green eyes peered through thick glasses that usually were buried in a book.

"You should've seen his face, Ev!" Eleanor howled, clenching her stomach as she laughed. "He was furious!"

The shy Hufflepuff couldn't help but snicker as she continued to furiously scribble on her parchment. "Poor lad is clueless." She retorted, looking up from her latest scheme. "I think this may have been the best idea we've had yet."

On top of the hill, the twins strolled with Angelina Johnson and Lee. "Who is that girl Blake is talking too?" George asked curiously.

"Her twin you dingbat. You have known the girl for three years and didn't know she had a twin?" Angelina said sharply. She and Eleanor had always been friends.

"A TWIN?!" The trio exclaimed, in unison.

I do not own any of the characters listed above except for my original characters (the Blake family). I do not own the HP universe. I wish I did.

Competition: George Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now