26. the battle of hogwarts

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THE NEWS CAME OF THE ORDERS TO ATTACK HOGWARTS. The Order sprang into action. Ellie's heart broke at the thought of leaving her son, but the burning desire to defeat Voldemort, ensure Harry's safety, and make the world a better place for Evan fueled her.

"I'll protect him with my life, Eleanor." Andromeda whispered. Tonks was there with Teddy and had suggested that if Ellie was bound and determined to fight, that Andromeda's house would be the safest place for Evan.

Ellie had never met Andromeda. She and George knew that she was a loyal ally to the Order, but dropping their son off to her was the first encounter Ellie had with her. Molly had given her seal of approval, which was all Ellie needed. She trusted Molly, and if Molly trusted Andromeda, then she was to be trusted as well.

Ellie looked Andromeda in the eye. She seen something different; something unusual from her sister, Bellatrix. Ellie seen warmness, humanity, and honesty. She knew then her baby was safe. She did, after all, raise Tonks to the woman she was today.

George and Ellie kissed Evan's head softly one last time. "Mummy and daddy will be back, love." Ellie whispered. George's eyes welled with tears as the two went off to fight, he kept looking over his shoulder at Andromeda's house receding in the background.

Ellie should've known Tonks better than that. She was at Hogwarts almost as soon as they were. She assured Ellie Evan's safety with her mother and explained that she couldn't sit still while this battle was raging. Ellie understood. She knew that Evan and Teddy would be asleep till dawn, just as Tonks had reassured her.

Ellie and the twins watched as the protective dome around Hogwarts slowly disintegrated. They held hands, Ellie in the middle, Fred and George on each side. None of them said a word, but stared at the night sky.

"I feel like she's here." Fred whispered, almost inaudible.

"Me too, Fred." George whispered, squeezing Ellie tightly. Ellie simply nodded, tears in her eyes. She looked to the right, where Fred was standing, and could see Eva standing next to him, staring up at the dome; the same fire in her eyes that she had the day she threw her name in the goblet. Ellie only wished it was real.

"Ellie!" A body came crashing into her. Isla. She had grown a foot, tamed her curls and had a wide, brave smile on her face. Ellie wrapped her arms around Isla and kissed her head.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to evacuate." Ellie squeezed Isla hard.

"I'm here to fight." She said proudly, tying her hair up into a bun and sticking her wand through it. "Just like Eva."

Ellie sniffled as she nodded. "Yes. Just like Eva."

It was only a matter of time before the battle broke out. Ellie and George shared one last kiss before separating. "You better not die." George whispered, Ellie's face in his hands. "I love you with all my heart, Eleanor Weasley."

"I love you more, George Weasley." Ellie smiled, tears in her eyes. She pecked her husband one last time before she went off with Isla.

Ellie had never seen so much death, so much destruction. At the same time, she had never felt so much pride. As each student and alumni fought bravely, house didn't matter.

Ellie fought along side family and friends. Angelina winked at her as she swooped down on her broom, following Oliver Wood. Everyone came together that day to protect their home: Hogwarts.

Ellie and Isla stayed together most of the battle and Ellie had kept watch out for George. The last time she seen him he was safe and gave her a small smile. They had made the decision to fight separately in the instance they were attacked, it would give Evan the fighting chance of having one parent left.

The girls had just arrived where the room of requirement was, or, used to be. They hunkered down behind a piece of an old wall fighting off death eaters, right across from Fred and Percy. Ellie jumped and stunned one that was headed towards the two boys, Isla followed suit, the death eater transfiguring.

"Did I tell mention I'm resigning?" Percy joked.

"You're joking, Perce!" Fred cackled, Ellie couldn't help but smile overhearing the conversation. She jumped up and pointed her wand at another masked figure. "I can't believe you're actually joking. I haven't heard you joke since you were-"

Then it happened. Ellie was slung backwards by something....something she couldn't see. With dust in her eyes, her back hit the cold stone hard. She was rattled and all she could hear just before she hit the ground was Isla scream: "no!"

It took her a moment to realize her surroundings, to clear her eyes of all the debris. Her head was spinning and as her vision came back, her ears seemed to be filled with a ringing noise. No doubt due to the blow her head just took. Ellie stood up, disoriented, trying to figure out what was going on. That's when she saw it.

The wall Percy and Fred were standing behind had collapsed. Looking at the rubble, Ellie immediately broke out in tears. She screamed and made a sound similar to the one she made upon discovery of Eva's death. All she could think about was Fred underneath that rubble.

"Ellie! Eleanor!" A familiar voice screamed, a pair of long arms wrapped around her as she continued to scream, shaking her. "Ellie, are you hurt?!" The voice cried. Ellie looked up to see her husband's face; only it wasn't her husband: it was Fred.

"Fred?!" She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and sobbed. Was she dreaming? "Is it really you?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Fred embraced his sister in law, staring at the pile of rubble before them. "She saved me." He cried.

"What?" Ellie said, almost a whisper. She stretched her neck, looking around Fred to see Isla's small, lifeless body through the rubble. She had jumped when the explosion happened and knocked Fred and Percy out of the way. Ellie squatted down and touched her small, lifeless face and her heart broke. 

"No," she sobbed, "this can't be happening."

Ellie had always told Isla to be brave. Isla, like Eva, had finally found her bravery; she, also like Eva, had been killed in the process. Ellie sobbed as they took her body to the Great Hall, where the fatalities continued to line up.

"Ellie." George whispered, seeing his wife leaning on his twins' shoulder. He ran to his wife and grabbed her and his twin, embracing them both. Then, he turned to Percy and gave him a hug as well. He knew they were all near the wall when it exploded; fearing their deaths, he had looked relentlessly for them. George's last stop was the Great Hall, fearing to his brothers' and wife's body laying on a cot. After their embrace, he turned to see what they were looking at: Isla. He stood and held his wife for a moment, allowing her to sob into his chest.

As they were walking out, ready to fight once more, another horrific sight entered the Great Hall. The group was speechless. It Tonks' and Remus.

"Teddy." Ellie whispered, watching as they laid Remus and Tonks' side by side, their hands almost touching. She cried, wanting to hold that little boy, and her own, and let no evil come near them.

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