12. in loving memory

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Unsure of why they were there, the children didn't ask many questions - Molly and Arthur had been secretive about the whole ordeal. Sirius Black had also been staying there. The group had finally got the place looking livable and had successfully covered Sirius' screaming mother.

Three members of the group that met religiously in the home behind closed doors had left to retrieve Harry. Ellie recognized one of them as Nymphadora Tonks, a violet haired former Hufflepuff whom Eva had always thought very highly of.

George and Ellie had snuck off to one of the many rooms in 12 Grimmauld Place; their new favorite activity since staying here. The girls had been boarded up in one room, the boys in another, but George and Ellie always managed to sneak off for some alone time.

Spending extra time with George, as well as working tirelessly on the house had almost helped Ellie forget that her birthday was coming up. She put up a good front, but she couldn't help to feel guilty for being able to turn another year older when Eva didn't get too. George noticed this and had done everything in his power to keep Ellie distracted. With everything going on, it wasn't hard.

Ellie rose to her feet. They had been supposed to be cleaning this room so the full house would have an extra working bedroom, but not much cleaning was done. They had talked and laughed the whole time they were there, examining all the old Knick-knacks in the room. "Come on, Georgie. We got to do something. Your mum is gonna be suspicious."

George reached up and jerked Ellie back down, "Five more minutes."

"Uh, we don't have 5 more minutes." Ellie giggled, trying to wiggle out from his grasp.

"Merlin, it's so nice to hear that giggle again. A real, genuine giggle." George sighed and close his eyes, savoring the sound of her chuckle like a piece of chocolate. "Wait, what is today's date?"

Ellie whistled and looked at her wrist as if she was wearing a watch. "Well, look at the time. I promised to meet Molly to help prepare dinner." With that, Ellie quickly left the room.

George ran to the room he was staying in with Fred and Ron. He burst into the room to find Fred standing pants-less and Ron covering his eye. "Come on, Ron. Just tell me, does my bum look okay?"

"Absolutely not, put your pants back on." Ron hissed, covering his eyes tightly with both hands.

"I don't wanna know. What day is it?" George asked quickly.

"Uh..." Fred pulled on his pants, "uh, I think August 6th, right Ron?"

"Yeah I believe so." Ron nodded.

"Oh, no." George mumbled, running his hands through his hair. He didn't forget; he just didn't realize that today was the day: it was Ellie and Eva's birthday. Fred and Ron's mouths fell open, realizing themselves it was their birthday.

George wondered how Ellie was feeling today; what was it like to spend 17 birthdays with one person and then that person be gone, almost into thin air?

Ellie quickly entered the kitchen and got to work. She was breathless from running down the stairs as she began peeling potatoes. Molly looked at her and cocked an eyebrow. "What have you been doing?"

"Running from George, of course." Ellie smiled. Molly laughed; that was not the answer she was expecting, but nothing surprised her with the young couple. Molly walked to the corner of the kitchen and lifted up a tea towel, revealing two cupcakes. She lit one candle with a flick of her wand, but left the other unlit. She walked over to Ellie and whispered, "happy birthday. You know I wouldn't forget."  Ellie gasped and smiled at Molly. It was a sweet gesture. "I didn't think you'd feel like celebrating this year, love. But, traditions are traditions. I just decided to keep it a secret this year, for your privacy."

Ellie's eyes welled up with tears. Molly was always so thoughtful; every year that the girls had lived with the Weasley's she made two separate birthday cakes. Sure, this was a lot of extra work; but Molly wanted to ensure that each twin felt special on their day. This was a tradition she had began with Fred and George and had carried over to the girls as well.

This year was different; but nonetheless, Molly baked two cupcakes. "I thought maybe we could take it to her grave later. If you want." Molly smiled, grabbing Ellie's hand.

"I think that would be nice." Ellie nodded, smiling.

Ginny and Hermione took over their places preparing dinner while Molly and Ellie went to the graveyard. They walked down the muggle street outside of the secret home, before ducking into a telephone booth to apparate to the grave.

Eva's tombstone had been gifted by Dumbledore. This would be the first time Ellie had seen it. She was buried next to their mother and father. Her mother, who up until now, had an unmarked grave. Ellie's eyes didn't even fall onto Eva's yet; they went immediately to her mothers who had a brand new tombstone.

"Who done this?" She said, tears in her eyes. Ellie and Eva were Julia's only family and didn't have the money to place a stone. She traced her fingers over her mother's name, looking at the moving picture placed in the stone: a picture of Ellie, Eva, Carter and Julia at St. Mungos the day the twins were born.

Molly wrapped a motherly arm around Ellie. "Arthur and I. This our birthday gift to you. We know how much you wanted your mother to have a proper stone. We both loved her so much, as well. It just felt right."

"Oh, Molly." Ellie cried into Molly's shoulder. "I'll never be able to repay you." The Weasley's were a poor family; they didn't have a lot of money to spend on things that weren't a necessity. The fact that they bought Julia a stone was the most thoughtful, selfless thing they could've done.

"You don't have too, dear. It's a gift." Molly sniffled, kissing Ellie's hair. Ellie broke her eyes from Julia's grave and finally rested her eyes on Eva.

There it was, forever etched in stone: in loving memory of Eva Molly Blake. The picture on hers was the twins their first day at Hogwarts, proudly standing in front of the fireplace of their mother's house before leaving for the platform.

With a flick of her wand, a sobbing Ellie lit the candle on top of Eva's cupcake. "Happy birthday, sissy. I love you."

The two women sat together on the cold grass, in the dark, and shared Eva's cupcake; reminiscing of all the good times they shared with Eva.

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