17. just like eva

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"HOGWARTS HAS WENT TO HADES." Ellie huffed, flopping back into a couch in the Gryffindor common room. Marietta Edgecombe had ratted out DA, which Umbridge promptly disbanded and Marietta was treated for her boils in the hospital wing.

Ellie rubbed her hand, which had "I must not break rules" carved in it from each students detention with the black quill. She had just returned from checking on Isla, who had her first encounter with the quill following Marietta's betrayal.

The twins appeared through the portrait and George flopped down next to Ellie. "Been hell, no?" He smiled, she laid on his shoulder and agreed.

"Hogwarts has taken a turn for the worse." She mumbled into his chest. Fred nodded in agreement, raising an eyebrow at George who turned to face Ellie.

"We actually wanted to talk to you about something." George smiled.

"We're leaving Hogwarts." Fred began. "To open the joke shop..."

"We would like you to come with us. We're offering you a position at the shop. We have a flat above it, perfect size for the three of us." George finished. "But, we understand if you want to stay. I know how you have always wanted to be a DADA teacher."

Ellie pondered on their words for a moment. She thought of DA, her new position in the order... her sister in the grave. With the rise of
Voldemort, how did she know she would live to see a professor position at Hogwarts? She had learned in her young life to take the bull by the horns and not hesitate.

"I want to go with you." She smiled.

"Wicked." The twins said in unison.

Ever since Ellie had rescued her from Umbridge; she had began coming to Ellie for advice, homework help, and life in general. How was she going to break the news to her? How would Isla do at Hogwarts without Ellie? Ellie quickly diminished the thought; she knew Isla would be upset, but thinking that Isla didn't have the capability of navigating life and Hogwarts without Ellie was the exact same thing she used to do to Eva.

Ellie approached the courtyard; their usual meeting place. Isla sat in her Hufflepuff robes, doodling aimlessly on a piece of parchment. "What are you drawing?" Ellie asked, sitting next to the young girl.

"Oh, nothing. Just doodles. So, when's the wedding?" Isla beamed. Ellie chuckled, pushing a brown curl out of Isla's face. Her and George hadn't talked about an exact date yet; all they knew was that it would be soon.

"I actually have to talk to you about something, Isla." Ellie took Isla's hands in hers and turned to face her; Isla's face fell, sensing something was wrong. "I'm leaving Hogwarts." Ellie said in almost a whisper.

"What?! Why?! You can't!" Isla cried, instant tears forming. Ellie knew Isla wouldn't handle this well. "How am I supposed to do this without you?"

Ellie grabbed Isla's shoulders. "Listen to me. You are a strong and brave witch. You will be just fine."

"No, I won't, Ellie. I need you." Isla sobbed, fearing what would happen to her under Umbridge's watch if Ellie left. Ellie stared at the sobbing young girl and her heart physically ached, thinking of Eva; then Ellie realized something: she had never talked to Isla about Eva.

"Take a walk with me." Ellie whispered, trying to hold back tears. Isla obliged, taking Ellie's arm as they walked together.

They walked in silence for a moment before Ellie began to speak. "I want to talk about
my sister." Ellie said bluntly. Isla was only a first year and was not there for the death of Eva. Isla's mouth fell open, but she listened intently. She had heard about Eva Blake, but never from Ellie. Ellie hadn't had the nerve to talk about Eva outside of family; for fear of a breakdown.

Ellie began talking as the two continued their walk. Ellie looked ahead and imagined she was walking with Eva, gushing about the triwizard tournament, Cedric and George.

"She was a Hufflepuff, like yourself. Her name was Eva. Eva Molly Blake. For years, I was her protector." Ellie said quietly, tears finally escaping. "She was so shy, so quiet."

"i've heard some of the older students talk about her." Isla smiled, "everyone really liked her." Ellie smiled warmly.

"She was thoughtful, smart. She had a huge heart." Ellie cried. "I always protected her. Until one day, she realized her own strength. Her own bravery. She realized that she didn't need me to protect her anymore." Ellie stopped in her tracks and turned around, squatting down to eye level with Isla. "You can do that too. No matter what, Isla, be brave. Think of Eva. You have bravery down in yourself that you didn't even know you had, just like her."

Isla nodded, looking over Ellie's shoulder. "How did she die?" Ellie looked down, knowing this question was coming but hoping it didn't.

"She was killed. By Voldemort." Ellie whispered, Isla gasped when Ellie said his name. "She died bravely."

Isla nodded, feeling determined. She didn't want to die; but with Eva as new inspiration for her journey at Hogwarts, she felt more confident that she could do this. "Okay. I can do this." Isla sniffled. Ellie wrapped her in a warm hug, crying herself.

"I know you can. Just like Eva."

AN: this is a short chapter but I wanted Ellie and Isla to have a special moment!

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