18. witness

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THE LOOK ON UMBRIDGE'S FACE WHEN THE TWINS AND ELLIE FLEW INTO THE GREAT HALL WAS WORTH EVERY SCAR ON ELLIE'S HAND. Ellie only wished that Eva had been alive to witness this. As she sat on the back of George's broom, holding onto George's back with one hand as she threw fireworks down with the other. She winked at Hermione as they flew out of the Great Hall, the cheering crowd following. The three flew high into the air before setting off one final firework: a gigantic "W" and left, leaving the greatest pranking legacy since the Marauders.

The three burst into their apartment above the shop. It was humble; nothing more than two beds, an old couch and some old pots and pans Molly had given them, but it was home. They were so proud of their new apartment.

"Okay, Ellie." Fred mumbled, shoving a piece of pizza into his mouth. Ellie had planned on cooking that night, but Fred had promised he would cook. Turns out, Fred's idea of cooking was going to the closest muggle town and ordering a pizza. Ellie was actually impressed, considering Fred had never ordered one. "As soon as we get done eating, we're going to take you to the shop."

George grinned widely, swallowing a sip of his butterbeer. Ellie felt slightly sad that the twins didn't want to celebrate with alcohol; she didn't know why George didn't, but Fred knew her secret and she knew he was only doing that because of her. She had promised Fred it was okay, but he refused. "You're going to love it." He kissed Ellie softly on the cheek. Ellie's mouth widened into a toothy grin. If there ever was a perfect moment in her life without Eva so far: this was it.

With full bellies, the three walked down to the shop below the flat. George wrestled with the keys as Fred stood behind Ellie, giddy like a little girl. The door swung open to reveal empty shelves, but fully equipped and ready for stocking. "Close your eyes!" George said quickly, stepping behind Ellie and covering her eyes with his hands. "Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

George lifted his hands and Ellie seen a tapestry strung from one end of the store to the other, just above the stairs. It read: Weasley Wizard Wheezes: In loving memory of Eva Blake, the best prankster we ever knew.

"Oh," Ellie gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. Eva would be so proud. She really was the mastermind behind all of the girls' pranks, and even some of the boys'. She was never the one to implement them though; she was more of behind the scenes. "I love it." George wrapped his arm lovingly around his fiancé, leaning down and kissing her soft hair.

"I hoped you would." He whispered, smelling her strawberry shampoo. The sign hanging above her head gave Ellie even more motivation to work as hard as possible to make this shop successful; not only was it the twins' dream, but it also now had Eva's name on it as well. It had to do her justice.

"Alright boys." Ellie smiled, wrapping one arm around her love and one arm around her best friend. "Let's get to work."

"Oh, this is stressful." Ellie huffed, running her hands through her hair, leaning up against the counter. The shop had been slow today and Ellie had used this as time to plan her wedding. She never was good at this stuff; for all she cared, she and George could elope. Their family had already voiced their opinions about that, specifically Fred. She had to pick bridesmaids, dresses, groomsmen, flowers, flower girls, food... she flopped back on the stool behind her, overwhelmed.

"What's wrong, love?" George asked, walking behind her. He massaged her shoulders as she sat with her chin in hand, staring over her notebook of wedding plans.

"I'm not good at planning things. I'm a very unorganized person." Ellie sighed, appreciating the massage she was getting from George. "I still think we should just elope-" she attempted to whisper.

"Absolutely not!" Fred yelled from the back room. "This is my chance to be best man!"

"How did he hear me?" Ellie mouthed, George smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"On second thought, Fred, I thought I might make Percy my best man..." George winked at Ellie.

Fred's head immediately popped out of the back room. "You better be joking."

"You know, Fred... if we elope we still need a witness." Ellie suggested, not expecting Fred to go along with it. Fred's eyes lit up.

"Wicked. Where shall we go?" He smiled.

"Do you, George Fabian Weasley, take Eleanor Julia Blake, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked. It took 3 galleons, a white sundress and two button down shirts to get the wedding started. Only four people stood in the room: Fred, the officiant, George and Ellie.

"I do." George smiled, squeezing Ellie's hands.

"Very well. Do you, Eleanor Julia Blake, take George Fabian Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband-" he began, but was cut off by an eager, giggling Ellie.

"I do." She giggled.

The old man smiled, appreciating the eagerness of young love. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. George Weasley. You may kiss the bride."

George leaned down and grabbed Ellie's soft face in his hands, the two kissed softly at first, but grew more passionate as the kiss went on. Fred cheered for them loudly, but they didn't hear. They stared at each other until finally, George swooped Ellie up and ran out of the church.

"I suppose I should probably stay at my mum's tonight." Fred joked.

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