22. the wedding

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Oh yeah, my ear. He thought, slipping out from under Ellie's grasp on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, noticing the blood on the bandage was dried now.

"Morning." Molly beamed, smiling as if she had just won ten thousand galleons. George looked at her, confused. Sure, he supposed she was happy all her children made it back in one piece - well, sort of. - but there were still two fatalities, he didn't expect to see his mother this giddy, this soon.

"Morning....?" He questioned, treading lightly. "Fix my bandage?" He asked, sitting down for his mum to doctor him. She carefully removed the bandage, cleaning the wound and placing a new one on it.

"How did you sleep?" She smiled widely.

"Are you okay, woman?" He asked, scared.

"Fantastic. Why?"

"Just asking."

Molly had grieved all night. She thought about all the innocent lives lost to Voldemort so far, all that still were to be lost... but, even as she mourned Alastor, Dumbledore and was saddened by the death of Hedwig, she couldn't help but smile when she seen her daughter in law, who carried her first grandchild, laying on the couch. Even though lives were lost last night, a new life was coming. There was some type of beauty in that.

Ginny and Molly kept Ellie's secret; they respected the fact that she wanted to tell George on her own time, in her own way. Nevertheless, she still hadn't told him.

While George was healing, the upcoming wedding of Bill and Fleur kept the Burrow busy. "You still haven't told him?" Ginny whispered as the two stood in the kitchen, the morning of the wedding

Ellie looked over her shoulder to insure they were alone. "No. I'm waiting for the right time. Besides, I don't think it's right to upstage Bill's wedding."

Ginny rolled her eyes and groaned. "You've got to be kidding me. Who cares?"

"I do," Ellie retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's their day."

"He doesn't belong with her. They're rushing into things." Ginny hissed. Ellie raised an eyebrow, suggesting that her and George's wedding was also rushed. "Oh, hush. You and George have been together for years. Tonks-"

"Is married. To Remus." Ellie interrupted. She held Ginny's shoulders. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I just want it to be the right time."

Ginny sighed, giving in. "Fine. But if I have to keep quiet much longer I'll explode."

"I know." Ellie chuckled before the familiar nausea crept back. "I'll be back." She darted up the stairs to the bathroom.

The Burrow had been quite crowded since it was now the new meeting place for the Order. There was always a member there, in some way or form. Ellie swung open the bathroom door to find Tonks heaving over the toilet. Ellie, shocked but still nauseous, grabbed the bin and wretched into it. When the two women finished, they sat in the floor and stared at each other.

"Are you...." Ellie began.

"Are you?!" Tonks said quickly. The women shared a nod. They were both pregnant.

The wedding was beautiful. Molly had warmed up to Fleur, but Ginny was still ice cold. Ellie and George danced under the twinkling lights of the tent. "I love you, George Weasley." Ellie smiled as George pushed his head to her forehead.

"I love you too, Eleanor Weasley." George smiled, emphasizing Ellie's name. She squeezed his neck tightly and laid her head on his chest. Was now the right time? No, it was still Bill and Fleur's moment. Tomorrow. She reasoned with herself.

"I'm sorry you didn't get a wedding like this." George sighed, looking at the tent around him and all the guests that attended.

"Georgie, I wouldn't change our wedding for the world. Everything about it was perfect." Ellie softly kissed her husband's lips. The two continued to dance with the other couples on the dance floor and for that moment, there wasn't a war going on. Ellie smiled happily; she had a husband who loved her, a wonderful family, and a sweet little baby in her belly - who was making her relentlessly ill.

The moment was short lived. A linx appeared out of the sky and burst through the tent. "The ministry has fallen." The crowd froze. The ministry had fallen, Voldemort had taken over. Suddenly, uninvited guests began appearing all across the tent.

Chaos then ensued. Death eaters. Of course, why couldn't they have a moment without dark magic? The tent broke out into a battle, wands drawn as they battled the intruders. As people began disapparating, fleeing the scene, the Order stepped into action. Remus and Tonks stepped into action, attempting to cast shield charms and fight off the death eaters. Harry, Hermione and Ron had disappeared, much to the family's relief. They knew Harry was who the death eaters had came for.

George and Ellie were separated. Ellie searched across the tent as she was jostled around by the screaming crowd. She seen her husband from across the room, side by side to his brother as they fought off death eaters. Ellie seen one approaching the pair from behind and ran to their aid.

"Expelliarmus!" Ellie yelled, drawing her wand and pointing it at the death eater behind her husband. Stunned, he ran off, knowing it was three against one. The three stood back to back and surveyed their surroundings.

"I guess now is probably a good time to tell you I'm pregnant." Ellie yelled, stunning another death eater.

"What?!" George screamed.

A/N: I made a cover! Let me know what you think.

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