28. after the war

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FRED AND ANGELINA HAD A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING. This time, they didn't have to fear of an attack. Angelina was very meticulous about the wedding; though never a high maintenance girl, this was the first celebration for the family following the Battle and she wanted it to be special.

It took almost forever to plan. She was driving Ellie batty, since she was the maid of honor and had a list of responsibilities a mile long. Evan and Teddy, who met for regular play dates, were almost a year old by the time the event actually happened.

Angelina was beautiful. She wore an off the shoulder ball gown that followed behind her in a beautiful, beaded train. The wedding was at the Burrow, in the same (repaired) tent that Bill and Fleur were married in. Ellie and George were maid of honor and best man. Ginny pulled Evan in a small wagon, who held a pillow with the rings tied to it.

When Angelina made her descent down the eye, Fred's eyes widened. He was terrified, but amazed at her beauty. Tears filled his eyes when he seen his soon-to-be wife. Ellie smiled proudly at her brother in law. She couldn't have picked a better woman for him if she had handpicked her herself.

The two were married in a quick ceremony, Fred sealing their marriage with a sloppy, passionate kiss.

Ellie danced with George, Evan on her hip. He played with her and laid his head on his mother's shoulder. "Someone's getting sleepy." Ellie smiled as the three swayed back and forth, rocking Evan gently into sleep.

"It's way past his bedtime." George chuckled, rubbing Evan's small back.

"It's a special occasion." Ellie smiled as she looked over at Fred and Angelina. Their relationship never was one for public displays of affection; but tonight, they looked more in love than they had ever, dancing underneath the glimmering lights.

"Maybe Evan will have a cousin shortly." George laughed, nodding his head to Bill and Fleur in the corner. Fleur whispered into Bill's ear, who turned a bright shade of red.

"Stop, Fleur." He tried to say nonchalantly, containing a grin. "Not here." He chuckled.

"Maybe..." Ellie bit her lip. She had been keeping her own secret. She really needed to stop finding out she was pregnant right before weddings.

"What?" George cocked an eyebrow, the three stopped dancing as the song ended; Evan was sound asleep. Ellie shifted him so he was laying in her arms.

"Nothing." She shrugged in a high pitch voice, stepping back into her heels she had taken off prior.

"Eleanor." George said sternly; he had known his wife long enough to know when she was lying and she was definitely lying.

"Not here, George. Not now." She whispered.

George looked at her confused, but obliged. Ellie sighed a breath of relief.

The two couples were building houses side by side, close distance to the Burrow. The houses were far from completion, so the two couples had been sharing the flat above the shop. It was a tight squeeze, but Ellie appreciated the time with her family. Life was short, they had all realized that after the war.

Fred and Angelina had left for their honeymoon. The house was oddly quiet as Ellie laid Evan down in his crib in their room. George had sat on the couch, unbuttoning his cuff links in silence. Ellie slipped off her heels and took her earrings out, walking back into the living room. "So, you ready to talk?" George  cocked an eyebrow at his wife, who was slipping out of her dress. His eyes traced her body that he knew well. She only got more beautiful with age; her stomach was flat, but tattooed with stretch marks from her pregnancy with Evan. She was perfect.

"George," Ellie sighed, walking over to the kitchen, still in her bra and panties. She braced herself against the sink and looked down. This is the second time she had been pregnant and neither time she got to tell George in a special way. She had already been to St. Mungos, everything checked out: another healthy pregnancy.

"What, love?" He whispered, wrapping his hands around her waist. Ellie sighed and pushed his hands down to her stomach. He didn't take the hint. "Please talk to me."

Ellie turned around so she was facing him. "I'm pregnant, Georgie."

"What, really?" George's eyes lit up. Ellie realized then she didn't need a special way to tell George. She smiled widely and stood on her tip toes so she could kiss his lips.

"Yes. Due date is Christmas." She said against his lips.

"Oh, Ellie! I love you so much." He lifted his wife up and swung her around.

The twins came on Christmas Eve. Ellie's pregnancy with the twins was very different than with Evan and she grew much bigger. One boy and one girl: Carter Arthur and Julianna Molly Weasley.

The Burrow was full on Christmas Day, happy. Their was no fear of  Voldemort, no worry. Ellie smiled, holding her first born daughter. She looked around and smiled, feeling pure happiness for the first time in a long time. George kissed her temple, the two watched as Fred and Angelina tickled Evan, the rest of the Weasley's passing Carter around. Ellie could feel Eva's presence in the room; she had never truly left her.

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