19. the burning of the burrow

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He stumbled through the fireplace and met the eyes of his mother. "What are you doing here?" She asked, tears in her eyes.

"What's going on? Why are you crying?" Fred's demeanor immediately changed seeing his mother's tears. "Did Percy-"

"Sirius is dead, Fred." She sniffled, staring at him and waiting for a reaction.

"No." Fred gasped, sitting on the couch and running his hands through his hair. He looked up at his mother who was dabbing her eyes. "How?" Ginny walked over and sat next to Fred.

"Bellatrix." She whispered, "there was a battle. The order came-"

"Why didn't you send for us?" Fred cut off, pointing out the fact that Ellie, George and Fred all three were members of the order.

"Unnecessary." Molly said, "only Tonks, Kingsley, Remus, Moody and Sirius came. No need to put all members of the Order in danger. Sirius said so hisself."

"Ellie and George don't know. How's Harry?" Fred questioned, resting back onto the couch.

"Not well." Ginny whispered, thinking about the scream that exited Harry's mouth when he realized his godfather was dead.

"Where are Ellie and George?" Molly questioned, slightly concerned considering one of the three was never seen without another.

"They're home." Fred said simply, not feeling it was the time to announce their marriage.

"And why are you here?" Molly pestered, knowing she wasn't getting the full story from her son.

"Er... they got married?" Fred chuckled nervously.

"WHAT?!" Molly screamed.

Molly wasn't very happy that the young couple and eloped, but ecstatic nonetheless that Ellie was finally her daughter in law. The Order was on high alert following the death of Sirius and the twins and Ellie were ready for their newfound positions. Elopement was understandable given the current situation.

Business at the shop was booming. Ellie loved her current life, as a newlywed and running the joke shop, but she felt uncomfortable; she felt as if something was about to happen. She was ready to fight. She wanted to stand face-to-face to Voldemort hisself and watch him suffer for what he had done to her family.

Even with the return of Voldemort looming above them, Christmas was still coming: Ellie's favorite time of year. Being back at the Burrow for Christmas was so special; the old house held so many memories of warm Christmas mornings around the fire, opening jumpers year after year. Ellie danced around the kitchen, charming spoons to mix and knives to chop. The twins and Ellie both had been staying back at the Burrow for the winter holiday. Molly had recruited Ellie for her annual sweater making and to assist in cooking Christmas dinner.

George stood near the couch with his brothers, Harry and Ginny. They were all lost in conversation; but George was too distracted by his wife, who was laughing and giggling with Molly, as they prepared delicious smelling foods for dinner. Wow. Eleanor Blake is my wife. George thought, then corrected hisself: Eleanor Weasley.

"George?" Ginny laughed, snapping her fingers. "George! Snap out of it." George whipped his head around to find that the whole group had been waiting for his response.

"What is it?" He asked, clueless as to what they were talking about.

"He's lovesick." Fred chuckled, punching George playfully on the shoulder. George's eyes floated back to the kitchen, where Ellie was carefully lifting a heavy tray out of the oven.

A knock on the door broke George from his loving gaze. "Quick gawking at Ellie and get the door!" Fred commanded, pushing George, who almost lost his footing and fell off the arm of the couch. George rolled his eyes and went to the door, opening it to reveal Tonks and Remus, who would be joining them for Christmas dinner.

"Hello!" George boomed, getting Molly and Ellie's attention.

"Tonks! Lovely to see you." Ellie gushed, running to hug Nymphadora and Remus. "You too, Remus." Tonks and Ellie seemed to share a special bond. Ellie thought very highly of the former Hufflepuff.

The familiar uneasy feeling hit Ellie again; but she brushed it off. The heavy cloud that was the upcoming war wasn't going to ruin Christmas for her; well, she hoped.

She was wrong. Very wrong. Bellatrix stood before the Burrow and in front of blazing flames. The family stood at the door, unsure of what to do. Harry busted through the group, earning a loud protest from Arthur and Remus. He jumped through the flames, chasing after Bellatrix into the field.

"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!"

Remus ran behind him, Tonks after that. They were cut off by the flames rising. Ginny barreled out of the door and found an opening in the flames, darting through the field to find Harry.

"No!" Ellie screamed, wanting to dart after them. George jerked her back. The field before them became oddly silent, Arthur following after Tonks and Remus into the darkness.

The remaining Weasley's sat and stared at the field. As they watched the darkness, an eerily family feeling came back; the same feeling most of them had as they watched the maze blindest during the Triwizard Tournament. Ellie turned and his her face into George's side, not wanting to see what came from the unknown.

Suddenly a pillar of black smoke shot from the field, then another... then another. Bellatrix and her friends. They darted at the Burrow, crashing into it with a boom. Fred flinched, Molly screamed, and Ellie dug her self deeper into her husband. As quick as they had crashed into the Burrow, they were gone, leaving the home up in flames.

The family fell silent. The only sound was a few sniffles here and there as the home Molly and Arthur had raised every one of their children, and then some, went up in flames. Arthur and others ran back to the Burrow after seeing that Bellatrix was headed that way, frozen when they seen the home they all loved so much ablaze.

Ellie looked around, silently counting every one of her family members before turning back. She made sure everyone was there; that no one was lost to Bellatrix and that no one was stuck in the home. Everyone was accounted for.

The family stood and watched the house burn, clenching onto each other as they watched the fire. It was too far gone. There was nothing they could do to stop it. Dark magic had once again taken something from them and had once again proven how easily they could get to Harry; their intended target.

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