23. molly's wrath

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GEORGE HAD PROMPTLY SLUNG ELLIE BEHIND HISSELF AND FRED. The twins shielded her as the remainder of the death eaters were fought off. Fred unsure of what was going on. When they returned to the Burrow, everyone was physically shook - but George, George was silent. He walked into the Burrow and stood blankly for a second.

"George? George, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Molly examined her son, looking him up and down for any injuries. Fred and Ellie stood close behind, Ellie had tears in her eyes.

George hadn't said a word since she told him. Of course, they had just been attacked. Ellie attempted to take that into account, but she figured her husband would have more to say concerning her pregnancy.

"I-" George began, but stopped. "I need to use the restroom." With that, he clumsily walked up the stairs. As soon as he was out of earshot, Ellie broke down.

"He hates me. He hates me." She kept repeating, "I told him I was pregnant and he hasn't spoke since." She didn't know if it was the attack or her hormones, but she was sobbing hysterically.

"Oh, no. Ellie. He doesn't hate you. You're pregnant?" Fred hugged Ellie and tried to comfort his best friend, while trying not to grin. He was going to be an uncle.

Molly noticed her daughter-in-law's tears and immediately wrapped her in a hug, angry with her son. "What am I going to do, Molly? I always thought he wanted kids."

"Maybe he's just surprised?" Ginny suggested, rubbing Ellie's back. Ellie sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'm going to bed." Ellie cried, defeated. She was exhausted, nauseous, and heart broke. Would George leave her? Surely not. She walked up the stairs and crawled into George's old bed. She wrapped herself in a blanket and sobbed. Ellie never was much of a crier, but she couldn't help it. She felt like George hated her and the stress of Voldemort's return didn't help; maybe Ginny was right? Maybe he was just caught off guard. It was so unlike George. Ellie cried, wishing Eva was there. She always had the right answers; she dreamed of how ecstatic Eva would've been about her niece or nephew and how much Fred and Eva would've spoiled it together. She cried until she drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the attack and exhausted from crying.

"You. Are. So. Stupid." Ginny grunted as she swatted at George in between words, soon after he returned from "the bathroom".

"I have to admit, mate." Fred joked, leaning against the counter. "Not your best moment."

Molly sat at the table, fuming. She didn't know where her son, Hermione and Harry were - but she hoped they were safe. Voldemort had taken over the ministry and she had a pregnant puddle of tears upstairs due to her son's stupidity. She held her head in her hand.

George, rubbing his arm from the blows from Ginny, stood in his shaken state and stared at the stairs. "I-" he stuttered, "I'm going to be a father."

"Yes, that appears to be so." Fred said sarcastically. "Mum?" He whispered cautiously, noticing Molly was unusually quiet. It was never good when Molly Weasley was quiet. She looked up and looked George dead in the eye, then she stood up, slowly walking towards George.

"Oh no." Ginny said, getting out of the way.

"You." She pointed a finger into George's chest as he backed away from his mother's wrath and escalating voice, "are going to go up there and make it right. That woman loves you. She's carrying your child for merlin's sake. George Fabian Weasley, you are unbelievable." She swatted her son on the side of his head that still had an ear.

"Mum, I-" he tried to get a word in

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"Mum, I-" he tried to get a word in.

"What, George?! Do you see what you're doing to her? She thinks you hate her!" Molly continued to scold. Fred and Ginny looked quickly back and forth. Bill and Fleur entered the room, Ginny quickly shook her head signaling for Bill not to speak.

"I was just s-shocked." George stuttered, "she caught me off guard."

"Caught you off guard." Molly scoffed, "No excuse, George Weasley. Now go make it right. She thinks you don't want this child."

George's eyes filled with tears; he knew he had messed up, but it was purely out of shock. He didn't think he hurt Ellie that bad. Of course he wanted that baby, it was all that had plagued his mind since she told him. He was ecstatic, but scared. "Of course I want my baby." He whispered.

"Don't tell me that." Molly said, pointing at the stairs.

George entered his old bedroom to find a pile of blankets snuggled in his old bed. He pulled them back to find his wife, with a tear stained face and a hand on her stomach, sleeping peacefully.

"Ellie." He whispered. Ellie's eyes shot open, turning over to face George. George squatted down in the floor so that he was eye level with his wife. "I'm sorry."

Ellie broke out in tears again. George placed his hand on her cheek and stroked it gently, tears filling his own eyes. "Don't cry, love. I wouldn't do anything to make you cry."

"I'm sorry." She sobbed, "I thought you wanted children."

"What makes you think I don't? I want this baby more than I've ever wanted anything in my life." He cried. Ellie scooted over so George could join her in bed.

"Really?" She sniffled.

"Yes, Ellie. I was just shocked, love." He place a hand on her stomach and snuggled close to her. "I'm going to be a father."

"Yeah," she laughed, sniffling her tears back up. "You are." The two shared a kiss as Ellie peacefully drifted back off to sleep, George's hand protectively on her stomach. The life growing inside of her made his desire to fight even stronger, for a better world for their baby.

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