o2. molly prewett

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THE LETTER FELL FROM HER HAND as she gasped for breath. She had to find Eva. Eleanor pushed through the crowd of students attempting to go to class. Although a prankster, Ellie was very focused on her school work and had intentions of returning to Hogwarts to teach. At this moment, she didn't care about school, pranks or her future.

Her mother was dying. Terminal. The words burnt into her mind as her stomach turned. Cancer? How does a witch get cancer? Isn't there a spell, something? Is there nothing the healers after St. Mungos could do? 
Eleanor found the nearest bin and retched into it. She couldn't handle all this information and the thought of losing her mother, it was making her physically ill. She stood up, wiped her mouth and slid down the bin onto the floor; closing her eyes and trying to gain composure.  Eleanor soon felt two figures towering over top of her.

George looked down at his friend with a look of concern washing over his face

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George looked down at his friend with a look of concern washing over his face. They may have acted like enemies, bickering back and forth; but at the end of the day, she was his and Fred's friend. What kind of friend am I? I can't believe we've known each other all this time and I never knew she had a twin. We weren't best of friends, but, I should've picked up on that! George thought, but that wasn't important: she was hurting and the twins were here to help.

"El?" Fred said squatting down next to her. The twins were never serious, although George leant to the more serious and caring side than Fred. But, when it came to friends and family, both twins were fiercely protective. Fred just had different ways of showing it, "Did you fail your herbology exam?" He said lightly, trying to cheer her up. He knew that's not really what was wrong, but attempted to get a giggle. He knew how serious she took her grades, and any other time she would've laughed.

She sobbed harder.

"Oh no." Fred said, pulling his friend in a hug. George squatted next to them and joined.

"Ellie.." George pleaded, "What's wrong?"

"My mum." She cried, hyperventilating. "She has cancer, it's terminal." She dug her face into Fred's shoulder, "Eva and I have no one."

The girls had been a result of a short lived relationship. They did not know their father, only that he was a pureblood wizard that had graduated Hogwarts and was in Gryffindor during his time there. He died during the first Wizarding war; the girls were too young to remember. Their mum was a muggle-born Hufflepuff. They had the perfect love story - it was only cut short due to their father's death.

"We are magical beings for Merlin's sake!" Eleanor cried, "isn't there something someone can do?"

The twins patted her shoulder and sat quietly. Now wasn't the time for jokes.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" A familiar voice asked. As soon as she heard this, Ellie jumped to her feet. Even though Eva was only 5 minutes younger, Ellie was very protective over her; Ellie had always tried to shelter her. She smoothed her robes and rubbed her eyes dry.

"We're going home Eva."

THE GIRLS WERE ALLOWED TO LEAVE HOGWARTS EARLY this term due to their mother's deteriorating condition.

Walking into St. Mungos, Eva ran to their mother's side while Eleanor stood frozen at the door. "Mum, mummy." Eva said, grabbing her hand. "It's us. Your girls. We're here mum."
Their mother, Julia Blake, didn't move. Her eyes fluttered open at the sight of her daughter's voice.

"Eva..." she whispered. Eleanor knew by the sound of her mother's voice she didn't have long. Eva knew this too, but no one spoke. "Where's Ellie?"

"I'm here mum." Eleanor said, taking the other side of the bed and her mother's other hand.

Her red hair looked almost dull. Her green eyes, the same color as Eva's, almost glossed over. A single tear fell from her pale cheek as she slightly squeezed both girl's hands, as much as she could. She mustered up the strength to give her girls her last words, " I've been sick for a while girls. I didn't want to ruin your time at Hogwarts; but the time is come and the healers say it doesn't look good."

Eva sobbed. Julia expected this. Eleanor was stronger emotionally. She turned her head to Eleanor, not taking her hand from Eva's. "There's a note in my bedside table. It's my last wishes." She nudged her head at the folded piece of parchment on the table, "Molly Prewett- I mean Molly Weasley. She was my greatest friend at Hogwarts, we were so close especially while I was pregnant with you girls and she was pregnant with her boys. After Carter died... we drifted." Another tear fell. "She's my only hope. The only one I trust. She doesn't know you're coming, but I expect she will welcome with you open arms. I hope." She softly chuckled. "I love you girls. Go to the Burrow." And with that, she closed her eyes - leaving this life holding her babies' hands.

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