25. evan f. weasley

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ELLIE'S FOREHEAD GLISTENED WITH SWEAT. Her hair stuck to her face, eyes exhausted; but to George, she never looked more beautiful. As the rest of his family gushed over the baby, he stared at his wife. Not that he wasn't excited and absolutely infatuated with his son; but he was mind blown of what Ellie had just accomplished. He thought of all the years he had spent with her, all the times he had seen her be strong - and all the times he had seen her be weak. He thought about how she looked the night of the Yule Ball, how she looked in that white sundress on their wedding day. These memories... this day, was what George had dreamed about since the day he realized his feelings for Ellie. "I love you." He whispered, kissing her sweaty forehead.

"I love you too, Georgie." She smiled, her eyes heavy from exhaustion, threatening to close now that she knew her baby was safe, had a full belly, and was safe in the arms of Molly. "Tell them his name." She said weakly.

"Ahem." George coughed, getting everyone's attention. "We'd like to tell everyone his name, now."

"His name wasn't hard." Ellie explained, "I wanted to honor Eva... and our best friend."

Fred let out a sob, realizing what was going on. Angelina stared at him, attempting to stifle a giggle but couldn't help it. Ginny rubbed his back and bit her lip, trying to fight a laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen," George said, in classic George fashion, "may I introduce to you... Evan Fred Weasley."

The room beamed staring at the newest Weasley. For a moment, nothing matter but that little boy. There wasn't a war raging outside; Harry wasn't in danger, none of them were. All that matter was that Evan Weasley had made his grand entrance into the world and everyone was ecstatic about that.

The news of Teddy's birth came soon after Evan's. Ellie was excited that the two could someday attend Hogwarts together; if there was even a Hogwarts left.

The happiness and peace she had felt the day of Evan's birth and the happiness that followed with the announcement of Teddy's birth was short lived. The gloominess and darkness that had been ignored due to the birth of those boys was becoming more and more prevalent.

Diagon Alley was not the same. Ellie didn't feel safe there anymore. The twins and Ellie had been staying at the Burrow since Evan's birth, Fred and George only leaving for work and then coming straight back. The whole world was different now.

Ellie and George sat in bed, Evan sleeping soundly in the bassinet next to them. "He's so innocent." Ellie whispered, rubbing Evan's small, soft hand.

"He won't be for long." George joked. "Fred and I will have him turning toys into spiders before you know it."

Ellie laughed and laid down on George's chest, "I would expect nothing less." She smiled, but then her smile turned dark. "I-"

"Am not going to sit still while the Order fights, I know." George finished, smiling a nervous smile. Ellie had sat on the sidelines for far too long, with the threat of Voldemort growing stronger and stronger, George had already given up on trying to fight her. He knew he wouldn't win.

"He killed my father and my sister. There's been so many lives lost to him." Ellie said angrily, wishing she could see the man suffer.

"I know, love. I would expect nothing less." George kissed her temple, repeating the words she had just told him.

Ellie laid on George's chest and closed her eyes, but never fell asleep. Truthfully, George didn't either. No one got any rest lately; not because of the newborn in the house, but because of the war that was coming. The war that had already begun. Ellie's mind raced as she listened to George's heartbeat; she thought of all the people sleeping - or not - peacefully at the Burrow and a horrific, morbid thought crossed her mind.

How many of us will make it back home?

It was a horrible thought and Ellie physically shook her head, trying to shake the thought from her brain. George squeezed her tightly, as if he knew why she was doing this. The thought, while terrifying, was logical. Most people in this house were infants - or not born - when the first war happened. Now, they were all old enough to fight.

Ellie thought about how loud the Burrow usually was; even at night. Even before the war, there was always someone rustling about. Ellie hoped the day never came that the home was quiet. She hoped that the home always groaned and creaked, that there was always laughter and loud snoring - she hoped that everyone of the people in this house, everyone on the side of good, came home safely, in one piece; though she knew not everyone would survive.

A/N: this is a short chapter! The next one will be long. Possibly several parts, so that's why I made this one short. 

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