chapter 13

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I woke up feeling like I was dead. I tried to get up but I couldnt. My brain wouldnt function. I decided to wake Kai up.

"Oppa..." I tickled him lightly.


"I dont feel well." He checked my temperature.

"You're burning hot!"

"Thank you." I joked but my brain wouldn't allow to laugh so I smiled. "Can you get some pain killers?"

"Okay." A few minutes later, he came back with some medicine and pain killers. I saw my phone flash.

Hey, Kai told me you wasn't feeling well. Get well soon! :)

To: Sunhyun.
Thanks! How did Kai get your number?

Its a secret!


I took my medicine but the pain got stronger. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I could see some blood. It made me dizzy and I blacked out.


I woke up and I was in an unfamiliar room. It was the hospital. I tried sitting up but I couldnt move. I pressed the button beside my bed and Sunhyun came in.

"Hi... what am I doing here?"

"It will all become clear later but first, before you blacked out, can you tell me what happened?"

"Umm... I woke up and I felt really sick. Kai got me some medicine and I drank it but it got worse. I remember running to the bathroom and throwing up and there was blood. Thats about it." I recalled and she noted it down.

"Umm... okay. The doctor will come in and examine you in a bit." She left the room. I checked my phone and there were a load of messages from everyone. I replied and told them I was okay and I was going to be examined.

"Are you Miss Soojung?" I nodded.

"Hello. Im Doctor Zhang."

"Are you related to Yixing?" He nodded.

"Im his father. He brang you here."

"Okay." He told me he was going to examine me then take some samples.

3 hours later.

"I have the results."

"Is it bad?" He slowly nodded. He gave me a piece of paper then left the room. I read it. It cant be. I broke down. I was diagnosed with brain cancer, stage 3. I had 1 month to live. How did this happen? Sunhyun came in and gave me a comforting hug.

"Im sorry." She comforted me. I cried.

"How did this happen?"

"Your Grandmother had cancer. It might have passed on to you. Im sorry." She gave me some water. I heard a beeping noise and she left to help someone. I tried to sleep but my brain refused. I had one month to live... what if I die on my birthday? What if I die on our anniversary? I didn't notice they walked in.

"W-what happened?" Ravi asked. I gave him the letter and he cried. They passed the letter on and soon they were all crying.

"NOONA!" Tao hugged me.

"Im sorry guys, karma's a bitch." I cried. I wanted to die, not that I am already but I wanted to die in a black hole. Im too afraid to sleep, knowing that I might not wake up.

"I guess we have a month left to spend with eachother..." I said and they nodded. Leo gave me a piece of paper and told me to write a list of what I wanted to do before I die.

•visit Jeju island.

•go Disney land.

•visit parents.

"As long as one of these happen, ill die happy." I said.

"Dont you dare talk about death, I forbid it." Kris spoke in english.

"Okay. Im tired but im scared to sleep."

"Hey i said not to..." He glared at me.

"Okay!" The doctor came in and said we could leave.

"Thanks dad!"

"Dad?" They all asked.

"You didnt know he was Lay's dad?" They shaked their heads. "Wooooow." We left and went back to Vixx's dorm. The car journey was silent. No one dared to say a word. "Guys, can I have a pre-funeral?"

"Whats a pre-funeral?"

"I want to attend my funeral. I might attend as a ghost but just in case things go wrong and I dont make it."

"Thats depressing but if you want." N said.

"Thank you." I rested my head on Hyuk's shoulder and fell asleep.


"Soojung..." Hyuk began shaking me.

"Im awake im awake." I said and they sighed.

"Dont scare us like that!"

'Im sorry..." they nodded. We went in and I sat on the floor in my room. I cried and cried. I took the paper out from my pocket and changed the list.

•Visit parents.

•Attend Pre-Funeral.

•Go on a date with Kai.

•Spend a day at the beach.

Those are the most important things that matter to me now. Spend a day at the beach, I know, its cliché but I have always wanted to go to the beach. depression... I felt really tired. Is this a side effect of my death? Soon I fell asleep.

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