Chapter 15

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Kai woke me up and I went to the bathroom and had a shower. We went downstairs and D.O and Luhan were fighting.



"How can an innocent deer looking boy be so violent?" I said aloud and he noticed.

"Hey!" He whined.

"She has a point." D.O high-fived Kai. KaiSoo.

"You're so mean!" He stormed off and told Sooyong who laughed. "Wha! Even my girlfriend is mean!"

"Aww!" Sooyong said and they started kissing.

"GET A ROOM!" They went into their bedroom... wow! I sat down and D.O gave me a bowl of soup.

"Thanks!" I drank the soup. "Daebaek!" i drank another bowl then went to wake everyone up.


we arrived at the grave yard and i found my parents grave.

"Hey... i guess ill be joining you soon." i placed the flowers down. "wait for me." i walked towards the car. i got in and ken started driving to the beach house. i fell asleep on Hongbin's shoulder.


"we're here!' i heard Hongbin cheer. i got out and stared at the house. they were wrong. its not huge... its flipping massive!

"are you gonna move or...."Kai said who was standing behind me.

"rude!" i hit him.

"You're still strong... I'm going to take you out on a date later, okay?" i nodded.

we went inside and i stared at everything. it was like this house was made from gold. I went upstairs and put my bags in an empty room. Kai followed me to make sure i didn't get lost. we heard someone call our names so we went downstairs.

"ne!" we said in unison.

"do you want to go to the beach?" Sehun asked and i nodded. i ran upstairs and took out my swim wear. it was a black bikini and bottoms. I put a blue top and a pair of shorts on and went downstairs. we went to the beach which was mainly empty and found a space. Kai sat next to me and hugged me.

"do you like it so far?" he asked and i nodded.

"i want to get ice cream."

"you eat way too much ice cream!" Ken shouted form the other side.



"yay! i stood up and went to the ice cream stand. i bought a chocolate ice cream. while i was waiting, i felt someone touch my butt. i turned around and it was an unfamiliar person.

"look who we have here on a fine summer day. i suppose i should take her." he grabbed my arm and began to drag me. he took me to an ally way and looked a me from head to toe.

"what should i do with you?" he began to rip my top apart, exposing my bikini. he pulled my shorts down.

"HELP! KAI! LEO! RAVI! ANYONE!" i started screaming their names but he covered my mouth.

"be a good girl for daddy and don't scream." he breathe in my face. he smelt like cigarette smoke and alcohol.


"KAI! HELP!" i began screaming. he took a knife out and began to cut the side of my stomach. i yelped at the pain.

"KIM JONGIN!" i screamed his name. I was suddenly hit and I blacked out.


"don't you dare die!" i heard a voice shout. i opened my eyes and took their hand.

"did he cut you?" Suho asked. i nodded.

"i remember him trying to rape me. i started screaming your names then i was cut on the side. the last thing i remember was being hit on the head and fainting.

"he'll pay for hurting my beautiful girlfriend." a doctor came in and had a private chat with me.

"are you aware that you have cancer?" i nodded "after being hit, he made the cancer worse. I'm sorry but you might doe by the end of the week." he said and left. i couldn't cry. the end of the week was in 3 days. i wasn't prepared for this death. how did this happen? Kai came in and hugged me.

"we don't have to have our date today.

"no, i want to." i said and he nodded.

"okay. we're going to leave in 5 hours, that should give you time right?" i nodded and he left. I decided to check my social media before i got ready. a few hours later, i had a shower and wore my light pink dress and a pair of beige pumps. i brang my bag and put my phone, money and some other things in. it was 9 pm and i heard a knock on the door.

"are you ready?" i walked out of my room and he stared at me with his jaw wide opened.

"am i not pretty?

"no, you're beautiful.' he said and took my hand.

we went outside and into the car. Kai drove us and we arrived in town. we stopped outsode a restaurant.he opened the door for me and we went inside.

"since when was you sophisticated?" i teased, making him pout.

"that's not funny." he said pulled out the chair. i sat down and a waiter came to us and gave us the menu. it was an Italian restaurant.

"I don't understand this." Kai said and i laughed. i spent 5 minute telling him what was on the menu and he wanted the same pasta as me. the waiter came back and took our order. 5 minutes later, the he came back with our food and ate it. we left after eating it and he took me back to the beach.

"thank you for dinner." i said.

"i love you."

" i know."

"what you do if i proposed to you?" he asked.

"i would say yes."

"really." i nodded. he got down on one knee and took out a ring.

"Park Soojung, will you marry me? will you be the light to my darkness, the star to my future and the love to my heart? he asked.

"y-yes." i teared up and he put the ring on he gave me a kiss and we went back inside. it was 1AM and everyone was sleeping. we went to my room and we fell asleep.

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