3) Return 3

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I just nod my head, and I saw Yuna jumps, and the rest of the itzy girls approaches Yuna, and the four of them looks at me and then they smile. After that, they continue performing, Allie is having fun, and the rest of the midzy in the dome.

After hours of in the dome, the showcase is finally finished. The audience went out, I stand up but Allie pulls my shirt and ask me to sit down. I followed her. "What are we waiting for?" I ask her

"Let's wait for a while, I want to say goodbye to Lia," Allie said to me

"Ah.." I nod my head. I continue waiting, after a few minutes, Lia went on the stage, she starts waving her hand, and Allie saw her. 

Allie stands up and runs towards the stage, I just sat there and continue using my phone. Suddenly someone covers my eye. 

I remove the hand and tilt my head back to the chair. I saw Ryujin looking down at me smiling. "You remember me?"

"Who are you? Are you Lee?" 

She laughs and then she walks beside me and sits, she's wearing her official Wannabe outfit. "So what did you say? Haha! Do you like our performance?"

"Ha? should I say what you want to hear or what do you need to hear?"

"Huh? I don't understand you, haha" She said as she taps my shoulder. "Just tell me what's your opinion"


"That's it? One word? Is that what you mean I want to hear " she curiously asks, "If that so, what do you mean about,  I need to hear?"


She frowned her face "Arghh! I really hate you! You just disappear on the air, before you told as that.. DoN'T wOrRy, I'lL coNtact you, blah blah blah" 

I just give a smirk.

"By the way, YN, have you heard what happened to twice?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Is their contract about to end or what"

"Wait, you don't know, it's about Jihyo-unnie--"

*cough* *cough*

I look at the other side and I saw Chaeryeoung standing beside me crossed-arm. 

Chaeryeoung stares at Ryujin. I look at Ryujin

Ryujin's face looks troubled and nervous. She suddenly stands up. "Just keep your promise tomorrow!" She walks away as Chaer continues looking at her as she walks away.


After a few seconds, Chaer sits beside me. "How was it? Can you tell me what happened?" She asks me curiously

"About what?"

"About you, who is Allie, and...." She suddenly looks at me. "What's with your face? Did something happen?" 


"Back to the question again, Who is Allie, and why did you disappear like that?"

"I met her at school, she's the one who gave the first aid"

"Hm...I see" She said

"Can I ask you a question,"

"Sure, anything" She gladly said as she looks at me.

"What's with Twice and Jihyo?"

"A-about that? I-I can't answer it..."

Suddenly the mic taps in, "Girls, where are you, it's time to go home" I recognize the manager's voice.

Chaer suddenly hugs me and kisses my left cheek, "Thank you for coming here, and I hope we have fun tomorrow!"

She stands up and went back to their room.

After a few seconds, Allie came back. "Let's go home!" I stand up and follow her


*In the dressing room*

Ryujin is leaning on the wall crying alone, the four girls approach her.

Yuna: "What's the matter Unnie, are you sad?"

Yeji: "Are you okay? Did you talk to your SO-CALLED CHILDHOOD FRIEND"

Ryujin: "I am just happy, after 2 years, we finally met YN, I just can't believe it"

Chaer: "You almost spill about Twice and Jihyo-unnie"

Lia: "Wait! what?! Did he know it already?"

Ryujin: "No, thank you Chaer for interrupting there, I almost tell it to him"


Short Chapter but Constantly or Long Chapter but Months?

I'll lessen smuts, and focus on the story,  is it okay? 

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