5) Think-Click

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After spending a minute on the train. We move to the next ride, we went to the Ferris-wheel. "I'll be waiting here," I said to them. 

"What? Join us!" Lia said

"We can't fit in a single cabin" I replied

"Then we'll be divided by two," Lia added

"Since Yeji-unnie is somehow angry with YN-Oppa, maybe two of them should join!" Yuna request.

"I'll be with them, so if any violence happens, I can stop them" Chaer teases

"It's like Yeji have the strength to kill YN, Haha" Ryujin added

The Ferris wheel is a modern one, wherein the cabin is glassed and closed, not like before where it is open wide.

The first cabin opens, Lia, Yuna, and Ryujin enter the cabin, after a few seconds, the 2nd cabin opens, Yeji and Chaer enters, and then me. The ride starts, after a few moments, we are at the peak of the ride.

"Woahh....Look at this Yeji-unnie! It's so beautiful! Look at the building." Chaer said as she was fascinated because of the surrounding. 

Yeji just sits there without reacting. "Unnie...Unnie!" Chaer said then she looks at Yeji. She saw Yeji looking at her phone. Chaer immediately grabs it. "Unnie! stop looking at your phone for a while, try to embrace the surrounding!" 

"I am doing it, I just took a photo of it and uploading a caption, what do you mean?" Yeji chuckles

"I-is that so?...Haha" Chaer embarrassingly replied

I just chuckle, and I got Chaer's attention. "Hey, Oppa! Can you tell us something?"

"Ha? What do you mean?"

Chaer: "Can you tell us who's that girl? Allie, is she your girlfriend?"


Yeji: "Yeah, they are together.."

"What's the source of that?"

Chaer: "I mean, who the hell will invite a girl in our showcase? Are you guys dating?"

"No..?" I curiously replied

"Tsss" I heard Yeji as she looks at the window.

Chaer: "Hey YN! Do you something different from us? I mean, it's been 2 years, have you notice something?!" She lively said

"You grow up?.. .I guess?"

"Hmm... What more?" 


"Jeez, YN you didn't change aren't you?!"

"What should I suppose to say?"

Chaer: "I keep hearing a lot that my butt looks good, and Yuna keeps touching and squishing it every time we're practicing" 

I was shocked by what she said. "Oookay"

She suddenly stands up and turns around, and squish both of her ass cheeks with her hands. 

I accidentally look at it and immediately look outside. "YUUCCKK!!! YN-Oppa, you're still a pervert, you're so easy to tease! Is it because you don't have a girlfriend, Hahaha" Chaer continues to tease me. Chaer returns sitting

I saw Yeji shook her head because of disappointment. 

"I guess, that's a mistake for telling that you matured enough." I said to her. Chaer just laughs.

"But can I ask you straight forward? Is there a chance that you're going back to Korea? Earlier? Why won't you join us," Chaer said.

"I'll pass. I'm still not done here"

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