8) Domicile

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{I just need to release this idea because it keeps messing up in my head,  wrong grammar and missing word will be there. I didn't double check it}

*Chaer was on the floor Yuna immediately stands up and helps Chaer to stand up. Lia and I went off the bed.


I saw Ryujin and Yeji wakes up. 

Ry: "What's happening?" she asks as she sits on her bed.

Yj: "Ugh...Can you guys continue it tomorrow?" Yeji said as she yawns.

Chr: "I'm sorry, Lia-unnie, I thought I'm helping"

Lia: "NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU MAKE IT WORST!" Lia turns on me, she suddenly slap my cheek really hard. "HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP! YOU'RE WORST YN! YOU'RE WORST!"

I didn't reply. Yeji and Ryujin immediately stands up as they heard Lia yelling at me.  Ryujin runs towards Lia and then she pulls Lia away from me.

Ry: "Lia-unnie calm down!"  

Yeji looks around. "What is happening here?!" She curiously asks. Yuna starts sobbing. 

YJ:" Yuna, can tell us what happened?" 

I know Yuna, Yuna sucks at telling lies and you can easily guess it. Yuna continues to gasp.

Yn: "Lia-u-unnie and YN...T-they are d-doing so-something.." She continues to sob. "I keep hearing them...b-but I tried to ignore it...I didn't know Chaer-unnie was awake... "

Lia suddenly hugs Yuna. "I'm sorry Yuna...I d-didn't mean to..." Yuna hugs her back and both of them starts crying. 

Chaer: "I'm s-sorry Lia-unnie, I didn't mean to do it..." Lia stretches her arm towards Chaer.

Lia: "I'm sorry too Chaer...It's okay...come here"

Chaer approaches Lia and the three of them hugs. Lia, Yuna and Chaer. While Ryujin and Yeji were looking at me. 

Yj: "What now?" She asks me.

"Since when?"

Yj: "Since when what?"

"Jihyo? Since when?"

Ryujin and Yeji's eyes went big.

Chaer: "I'm so sorry...I'm really sorry."

Ry: "Why? Why did you tell him?!"

Chaer: "I'm really sorry...I was urged by my emotions... I didn't really mean it."

Yeji and Ryujin just sits on the floor. I sat on Lia's bed, and the 5 of them looks at me.

"Am I the fath-..."

Ry: "NO! WE CAN'T ANSWER THAT! NO MORE!" Ryujin looks at Chaer. "I can't believe this, you're the one who stopped me and you're the one who told the secret."

Chaer just looks down. 

I stand up "I need to go...I need to sort my things, I'm leaving.."

Yj: "No...sit down"

"She needs me..."



She stands up and yells at me. "SIT DOWN!!" I followed her. 

Yj: "Let's calm a little bit" She silently said. All of us sits on the floor. We silence for about 3 mins.

"I'm really sorry guys... Lia...Chaeryeoung and Yuna, I'm really a terrible person. I'm really a fucking worst person, I wish I didn't know the twice or even Itzy, or even apply to the group, fuck I made a huge mistakes! I wish...I wish I have a gun pointed at my head from the very start!" 

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