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Hello guys, it's me, I just want to say that thank you to all the people/reader who supports my series through ups and downs. 

Today, I decided that I will not continue doing it anymore, I know you've heard me type this over and over and over again. Just like the last chapter's title said, that would be the last one. I am just tired of doing it again and again and again, same thoughts, the same story as other books. I am also starting to lose motivation doing it, regrets start to kick in.  I mean I have ideas in my mind, but it just sucks to continue it, and type for hours. 

I admit it, that continuing the series will stress me out. I guess it affects me too.  Every time I wake up there are a lot of ideas that come through my mind about how the story will continue, new scenarios, and a new path of the sequence story, and I guess that is the really bad part of it. My mind only wants to focus on the story, which is pretty bad for me that now I am facing different circumstances and for my future. 

I am really grateful for all those who support me, and who help me, especially to Ani(if you're reading this, thank you so much)! And for the people who help me with my assignment, Hehe.  If you're reading this, I guess you really like the story(notif on, Keke), from the first chapter of the 1st book where grammar sucks, and until the last chapter, wherein I somehow learn a little bit little. This Wattpad account will still be active, and I will keep on replying to whoever asks a question, and I'll gratefully respond.

 Thank you for guys, if you still have hope for the new chapter, just hold into it, maybe I'll upload. Haha, Thank you! 

"Stay at home if you can, and if you're going outside, please wear a mask and always keep the distance from others. Stay safe everyone one, I love you all" 

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