6) Captured

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Everyone is scared, suddenly Mina asks. "Is that the view there, it's so beautiful!" she said.

Everyone exhales because of the pressure they are facing.

Lia: "Gosh, that was close" She silently said.

"I thought we're done," Yeji added. Ryujin immediately approaches Yuna to comfort her. 

MN: "Hello?"

Lia: "Oh...sorry unnie, yes that's the view, is it not great?" 

Mn: "Yup, I'm so jealous of you guys, haha", Mina chuckles

I notice Chaeryeoung covering her mouth and silently laughing. I approach her, "What's funny?"

She grabs her phone, opens it, and clicks on the group chat. I saw the photo she took when we are in the Ferris-wheel. "Look how scared they are, haha" She continues to laugh.

"Wait, I thought Yuna accidentally.."

"Yeah she did, I deleted it and uploaded this image so they will think Yeji misclick on something." Chaer replies

"Woah, you're a genius, you got them there,"

"It's my pleasure," She smiles towards me. 

Mn: "Let's do video chat, we're at Jihyo's house," As I heard those words, Mina got my attention. Chaer looks at me. Then the four girls look at me. 

Lia: "A-ahh...U-unnie, we're in a pretty bad p-place"

Mn: "H-huh? What do you mean?|

Lia: "W-we're in a bathroom, W-wait, I'll go out, just a few seconds." 

Mn: "Okay"

Lia mutes the phone, "Please Yn, don't do anything crazy okay?" She said to me. She looks at Yeji. "Come with me, let's go over there"

"Nahh...You don't need to go, I'll just stay here, I'll be quiet, I don't want a problem, and also, I have my face mask here and hoodie, and you can just tell them that I am your tour guide." 

"Okay, thank you, Yn...Just step back a little please.." I followed her request, I wear my mask on and hoodie and Lia starts a video-call with Mina. Lia steps forward, hovers her phone around. 

Mn: "Woah, that's amazing"

Lia: "Yeah, it's so quiet here, and it's kinda fun because we're only a few here"

Mn: "Can I see the other members."

Lia turns around and points the camera to us. Lia runs towards, Yuna. "Here is Yuna, she's tearing up because of the ride a while ago, r-right Yuna?"  

Yuna just nods her head and smiles. I heard Mina chuckles, but Lia is lying, that's not the reason why Yuna is crying. 

Ryujin: "Annyeong~!" She waves on the phone. 

After a few seconds, Yeji and Chaer also went to Lia and greeted Mina. 

Mn: "I saw someone there, when you hover your camera a while ago, who is that?"

Lia, Ryujin, Chaer, and Yeji looks at each other. 

Lia: "It's our camera-man, you know for compilation,"

Mn: "Ahh...I see I thought someone is following you around, Haha."

Yeji: "No, we're only a few here, so it's kinda happy that we can ride whatever we want."

Mn:" Thank god, anyways, have you heard anything from YN there?" The girls look at me.

Mina continues  " I eavesdrop here in the company that he's around there, we keep asking the manager but she said she doesn't have any information about Yn...How about you Ryujin, have you heard anything from him, did you still contact his parent, you know, he's your childhood friend"

Ryujin looks at me, " I have no idea" She looks at Mina again. "I tried to contact his parents but they told me that he's here and they have no idea where YN is staying.." 

"ITZZZZZYYYYY!" I heard that small voice coming out from the phone, and I know who is it. \

SN : "It's meeee....Sana-unnie, how's your tour there?!" Sana lively replied

Chaer: "Hello, Unnie!"

SN: "How's life there? It's kinda hard here, we're still at Jihyo's house, resting for a while."

Lia: "Is she okay? "

SN: "Yeah, she's recovering....Jihyoooo!!! I'm talking with Itzy, want to talk to them?"

Lia looks at me, and she immediately runs away. Yeji, Chaer, and Ryujin follow her. Yuna was left behind. "Are you not going to follow them?" 

"No...they are hiding because of me,"

"It's fine Yuna, Chaer got it so you don't need to do anything."

"What do you mean Oppa?" She curiously asks. 

"Open your phone and look at the group chat," I said to her,  She grabs her phone out of her pocket, opens it, and looks at their group chat. "She sends something else?!" 

Suddenly Yuna's liveliness came back. "CHAE-UNNIIEEEE!" She yells as she starts running towards Chaeryeoung. "I hate you so much Unnie!!!" 

Chaer just laughs as Yuna runs towards her. 

The 5 of them are having fun with the twice, while I continue the job, the manager left for me. I capture different surroundings. I forgot the girls and I focus on capturing different rides, as I turn to my left, I was surprised that Ryujin was there. "Oh...What are you doing here?" 

"It's been minutes since we talk to them, Yeji asks me to come here so you will not be alone,"

"Ah...that's cool...By the way, why did you lie there."

"Sorry...They don't know that you're living alone since then"

"Yeah, that's a pretty brave bluff you did there,"

"Did they not ask you about your history, parents, or anything?" Ryujin curiously asks me.

"I am personally quiet about my past, so I didn't even mention my parents or hometown to any member of twice. I was really grateful that your father and your mother helps me sometimes when I am having a hard time in our hometown, that is why owe them so much"

"Owwss? Remember when I went first in Twice dorm, you don't even recognize me,"

"It's because you color your hair, and I don't even know that you audition."

"Haha...It's fine, By the way, do you know where the bathroom is?"

"I guess ....There" As I point the place. She suddenly drags me.

"Wa-wait, what are you doing?" I curiously ask her as she continues to drag me. 


Sorry for no smuts, story first, I'm trying to lessen the smuts and became more somehow realistic, but at some point, there will be.

 If anyone would like to donate, just dm me, I accept donation, kekekeke

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