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(AAHH I'M SO SORRY GUYS. I had a hard time figuring out where I wanted this story to go in general, and I didn't know what to put in this chapter now that I've set the scene for the story. Don't worry, I'm gonna keep writing this, but once this book is done I'm probably gonna rewrite it so that it makes a lot more sense long-term. Anyways, the next chapter will be posted much sooner than this one did, I promise. (Like, come on, me, a MONTH? WHAT?) Luv you all! <3 (P.S. This chapter includes a fight plus a lot of fluffy ship stuff, you have been warned))

POV Tango 

Tango and Impulse were just hanging around his iron farm, watching the golems die, when the gargoyle spotted a flash of lightning out of the corner of his eye. It was pretty far away, and it wasn't raining, so at first he thought that it was just his imagination. Then it happened again. Tango prodded his friend. 

"Hey, Imp, can we go check something out?" 

Impulse looked confused. "Sure, what is it?" 

Tango pointed to the horizon and squinted. "There was a stange bolt of lightning over th-" He was cut off by another bolt. The two friends shared a glance. Without another word, they both flew off towards the stange thunderbolt. 

POV Iskall 

Grian, Iskall and Mumbo were at Iskall's Omega Tree of Doom™ when they all saw the lightning. They all looked at each other, confused. 

"Um... what was that? You guys saw that too, right?" Mumbo asked nervously, worried that he was going insane. 

Grian and Iskall both nodded slowly. The gremlin spoke. "Should we go check it out?" 

The response was a unanimous yes. After making sure that Mumbo's elytra was equipped, they too flew towards the unnatural lightning. 

POV Xisuma 

Xisuma was walking around the shopping district, on their way to restock their shops, when they saw a familiar flash of lightning in the distance. Eyes widening, they ran over to the other side of the mushroom-covered island and saw a growing fire on a small island a little ways offshore. Quickly stapping on their elytra, the admin rushed to the island. When they arrived, they were immediately confronted with a sword to their neck. 

"Who are you." 

X paused briefly and raised an eyebrow. "So you really don't regognise your own sibling?" Xaviell, scowling, pushed his sibling to the ground and pinned their shoulders with his knees, keeping the sword at their throat.   "Why am I here? What did you do, Void?" Xisuma was puzzled. "I didn't do anything! It's you who just turned up on my server out of the blue! What made you come here?" 

"I don't know how I got here! It's your server!" 

"Well, you're the one wh-" They continued arguing, while some other hermits were landing on the island. Mumbo and Impulse were looking around nervously, wary of the lightning that was striking the land increasingly frequently. Grian, Tango and False were watching the arguing Voidwalkers, hands on their weapons, ready to protect their friend if anything started happening. Iskall and Ren just looked completely confused about what was happening and Cleo was examining the smoking crater created by the first thunderbolt. The twins kept fighting, battling now, unaware of the increased number of players watching, or the fires starting all around them from the lightning, or Mumbo trying to put the flames out, fighting a loosing battle. 

Suddenly, thunder rolled across the server, still without rain or even a cloud in the sky. The other hermits knew something was going on by now. Accompanying the deafening noise, a rogue lightning bolt struck right next to the Admin of the server, bringing them back to what was happening around them. Xisuma broke their shouted sentence off, glancing at their friends. Moving slightly, they shifted their body to better protect the hermits on the island with them. Xaviell noticed this, and he exploited it. He gathered up his static energy and shot a massive discharge of lightning down from the sky onto his sibling. False noticed what was happening almost immediately and managed to use their sword to deflect some of the bolt, but Xisuma still took a huge hit. The world went dark. 

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