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Woo!!! What a day it had been. Shola walked out of the bathroom. She needed a hot bath after all.

Who wouldn't?

She had spent a large portion of her day sitting in an air conditioned car, waiting for the rain to stop. No matter how much they turned the heat up, it was never enough to compete with mother nature's cool. Sitting there almost all day must have cost her a lot.

I just hope I can cover up today's work after so much lost time.

But it was probably worth it, having to spend so much time with Samuel. She sat on her bed as thoughts of the time they had spent together caused a smile to anchor along her lips. She fell back into her bed with her arms wide spread. Her white towel loosened up, leaving her sexy body scantily clad, but she didn't care. She was all alone in her bedroom after all.

"Ah" she sighed

Was she falling for Samuel already?

Oh such luscious lips he has.

She could stare at them all day, and maybe all night too. After all, she so much enjoyed watching him talk all through the time they spent in her car that she didn't even notice when it had stopped raining.

Curse Jimmy for bringing that to our notice!

And then his arms. Oh God! The way his muscle had flexed every time he raised his hand to emphasize a point. She would have probably held them to see how it felt, if she wasn't so shy.

"Ping!" her phone rung.

It was a message from Samuel, "Hello bathtub invader."

Shola chuckled without sending a response.
The same ringing sound again. One could easily guess who it was.

"Playing the silence game are we? What do I do to get you talking?" With a thinking emoji attached.

Shola read again but was still playing hard to get.

"Hmm... typical feminine response. Silence!" he texted again.

"Hey! That Is so wro..." Shola stopped typing, giving no response again.

"I almost got you to reply there. I guess provoking you is the key. I have just the thing" he sent with a winking emoji.

A few seconds later, he sent a picture that Jimmy took, of her picking her nose in the car.
"Mining now are we? Sure hope you found some gold in there!"

That definitely would get her to respond. "Okay that's embarrassing. Lol."

"There we go."

"I thought it was the guest room." she replied to his earlier text justifying her being in his bathroom. Not that she needed to.
"Can I ask you a question?"

"If answering doesn't put me in trouble, sure!"

She took a deep breath and typed, "Who is Amy?"

"Hmm..." a silence that have a thousand meanings.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked something so personal so soon." she deleted her previous message.

"Church tomorrow. Then I will tell you everything."
"And she blushed." he added.

Like hell she did!

Shola couldn't hide her excitement to see Samuel again, even if it meant going to church which she normally didn't. She was Christian, but wasn't the strongest around.

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