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...Worked out a plan
And it didn't take 'em long to decide
That Earl had to die
Goodbye Earl
Those black-eyed peas
They tasted all right to me Earl
You're feelin' weak
Why don't you lay down
And sleep Earl
Ain't it dark
Wrapped up in that tarp Earl?...

With a bottle of tequila in one hand and a wine glass in the other, Seun twirled around his living room, singing out loud as he listened to an old country song, sung by 'Dixie Chicks'.

"It didn't take long to decide! Samuel had to die!!" Spilling that colourless liquor from the wine glass as he spun around in joy and sang along.

"Goodbye Sam!!!!" He jiggled his shoulders, following the beats and tunes of the song.
"Na nana na na!!!"

With an image of Samuel's corps in mind and a devilish grin, he looked to the ground, "Why don't you lay down and sleeeeeeep Saaam?!"

Now that his biggest threat was gone, Seun felt more alive than he had in the last couple of months. With a thud, he made himself comfortable on his chaise lounge, happily pouring himself a glass refill of tequila. No rules about not drinking tequila in a wine glass afterall.
A gentle sigh came after taking a quick sip of the liquor, his sigh laced with a strong sense of relief.

"Ahhhh! Sorry it had to end this way for you Samuel." He said. "You can move on to the other side now, I promise to take good care of your beloved. Hehehehehe!!!!"

Now that Samuel was out of his way, Shola would have no one else to turn to for emotional support except Seun, and he was sure of it.

"Oh it's such a shame Shola," He mocked "I know I can't replace him but I will do my best." His soliloquy could easily make anyone assume he had lost it. But of course he was mad, mad in joy and love.

"Oops! The good news has come!" He disconnected his phone from the bluetooth speaker.

"Hello sergeant Jeje!" Sergeant? Okay he wasn't mad but he was clearly getting drunk already.

Inspector Jeje was the police man Seun had told his thugs about. He had worked for Seun on numerous cases, helping him beat the law and have his way. Surely for a small fee.

"Sir we have a problem!" Jeje spoke from the crime scene.

"Wait, w...w... wah... what do you mean?"

"A very big problem sir."

"I don't understand. Didn't Samuel die?" His biggest worry blinded him from other possible obstacles.

"Both of them are down! Your foolish thugs shot both brothers!"

His excitement went down by at least forty percent at that moment. "What?!!!"


"Those fools!!" He was comfortable killing Samuel, but not his innocent brother. Like Samuel was guilty.
What would happen if it all points back to me and the media hears it? This is trouble.

"What do we do now sir?" The inspector was more worried about his neck than Seun.

"There is only one way." He answered. "We get rid of those thugs. I will give you the location of their money drop point and the time they will arrive. You and your fellow cops can apprehend them there." He cared more about his safety than loyalty.

"Okay sir!" The foolish police not realising at the moment that he could have easily been the one at the receiving end of the situation.
"But first, I have to pretend to gather evidence against them."

"Okay, bye officer!"


"We need a surgeon!!!" The nurse barged through the hallway of the city hospital, pushing Samuel on a wheeled bed.

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