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The bedroom was dark and cool with a scent of alcohol soaring across the stretch of the room. That protein rich scent of sperm was faint, but it was there. The curtains were dark red with golden stripes scattered all over them. They covered the windows, blocking the direct rays of the morning sun from entering into the room, but a few that seeped in through the sides of the curtain, emphasizing the vibrant color of the walls they bounced off.

Being a terribly huge fan of conquerors of old, Seun collected antique from most of their history, antiques that not only filled his room but also underscored his personality. He had his room filled with expensive figurines and paintings, as if that wasn't enough he scattered more all over the house. His favorite painting was that of a Roman emperor, hanging directly opposite his bed and facing him as he was engaged with a call, Julius Cesar.

"Just do as I have told you, if the nurse's information is right then he should be awake soon."
As long as Shola is still crazy over you Samuel, I will make sure you never find peace.

"Whatever it is, it must be really serious." Dora stood in front of him. "I am here standing naked and you didn't even notice."

"Oh it is serious," Seun examined her bare body. "But I think I will just focus on something different for now." Giving an unmistakable gesture with his hips.

"Ooh... Don't you have work today?" She didn't really care if he had work as long as he gave her what she wanted.

"I do have work... On you!" Seun drew the blanket off his bare body and hopped out of bed.

"One round wasn't enough for you?" Her questions continuously teased him to come at her.

In response, Seun stood very close with his hands molding her cute cheeks and his rigid shaft gently massaging her clit as he moved his hips from side to side. "I know it was not enough for you though."

She moaned out loud in pleasure, "Ohhh you know me too well!"

Then she turned around and pushed him on the bed "Let's see how long you can cope then..."


Shrubbing the thought of going to Seun's house off her mind, Shola drove from home on her way to visit Samuel in the hospital before heading to work.

She got to the hospital after a few minutes of driving and made her way to Samuel's ward.

"I love you dear." Shola heard a feminine voice coming from the room as she got close.

With swift movements, she closed the little gap between her and the door, opening it to see who was with Samuel.

A young beautiful lady leaned towards Samuel and kissed him.

In a fit of rage Shola attempted to challenge the lady but was stopped by a nurse who pulled her from behind.

"Madam, nobody is allowed in his room at the moment."

Pointing at the lady inside, Shola retorted "But... "

"His mother made a request for her to stay." Slowly motioning Shola out of the room before she could even enter.

"Nurse I hope he is doing fine?" She was more worried about his health than the lady that kissed him.

"Yes, he woke up last night... Please sit at the reception." The nurse curt.

With the intention of returning later, Shola left the hospital for work.

The nurse stood and watched, waiting for Shola to leave just before placing a call to Seun.

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