Day 21 (Finale)

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(This is the first time I've expressed my gayness in this book, but yerim literally owns my soul. Stream psycho, stream back door for clear skin✨)

Taeyong was sitting at his dinner table, watching the hands on the clock move slowly as he bounced his leg up and down. He was nervous, to be honest it was the first time Doyoung had wanted to spend time with him for this long. He wasn't sure about what he was planning, which made him more nervous.

He broke out of his train of thought as he heard the sharp sound of a door bell ringing as he shuffled towards the door in a hurried manner. He opened the door and saw Doyoungs taller figure stand there, with a pretty smile on his face. After that taeyong felt himself go blank, as the blush on his cheeks grew.

And before he knew it he was being kissed on the cheek, making him blush even harder than before. He was completely brain dead if he was honest, and let himself be guided by Doyoung to his car. "Are you ready?" He heard Doyoungs clear, soft voice ask. He only nodded in response and nervously played with his fingers the entire car ride. He could feel Doyoung look at him every few seconds, leaving him to faintly blush each time. They went to a nice, cozy restaurant which served a large variety of coffee and pastries along with sandwiches. Doyoung must have noticed that taeyong had a huge sweet tooth, and took him somewhere he'd enjoy the food at.

They each ordered a sandwich, and a pastry and coffee to go along with it. Doyoung insisted on paying when taeyong took his credit card out. " I took you out, so I pay." Doyoung said while looking at taeyong in an almost challenging manner. "But I have money to spare, I don't need that much money Doyoung. I can pay for us, and you'll pay some other time then." Taeyong tried negotiating as they playfully fought over who was going to pay. "Ok fine, you aren't allowed to deny me from paying next time." Doyoung said in defeat, while taeyong held his card out for the cashier to take.

He was smiling smugly as they took their seats across from each other as they waited for their food and drinks. "Can I hold your hand?" Doyoung asked suddenly as he broke the calm atmosphere. Taeyong immediately blushed a little at the thought while he suppressed a smile that was slowly growing on his face. "Yeah, um, you can if you want" taeyong nervously stammered.

He looked down to his bony, pale hands and watched as Doyoungs larger veiny hand was placed on top of his. His skin was warm against taeyongs cold ones, and the heat was something he'd love to feel everyday. He smiled fully as Doyoung lifted his hand gently and began placing soft, small kisses on his knuckles. "You're so pretty taeyong." He heard Doyoung say as he stared at him with a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Taeyong was beyond red, possibly ready to explode from the comment. "I, thank you, I um. Think you're really pretty too." Taeyong said while looking at their hands instead of Doyoung to calm himself down. Doyoung only let a small chuckle out as he watched watched taeyongs every move, to make sure he didn't miss any of his cute mannerisms. Right then, their drinks had arrived, Doyoung having ordered an americano while taeyong preferred a sweeter latte.

They joked around playfully, and talked about their days and what they've done recently, while getting their food soon as well. It had been in hour already since they left taeyongs house. "Where are we going next?" Taeyong asked Doyoung as he curiously raised his eye brows. "Come on, I'll lead you there instead." Doyoung said while intertwining their hands, taeyong widening his eyes while following along. They walked past buildings, and stepping on crunchy orange leaves while they did.

They'd arrived at the karaoke bar they had first hung out at. He looked back and remembered how awkward they were, and now they were here walking with hands tied together. He looked back at Doyoung while he raised one eyebrow to express his confusion. "We can go in for a little, then we'll walk somewhere else. Is that ok with you?" Doyoung asked while looking at him intently. "Of course, let's go inside." Taeyong said while leading them inside and asking for a room.

They'd gotten there, and they scrolled to all the songs hey could sing. He took the remote and looked for a song, while Doyoung got up to get the mics. They'd sung for a while before taeyong and Doyoung both stood up and sung together while playfully knocking into each other. They both giggled happily into the mics while they stayed close to each other during the song. When taeyong had gotten a solo part, he squeaked when Doyoung wrapped his arms gently around his small waist while nuzzling his nose into his neck.

Taeyong shivered at the feeling, while attempting to control his blush. Taeyong turned to look at Doyoung and decided to bravely kiss Doyoungs forehead, which he reached quickly. His lips lingered there for a few seconds before singing once again and resting his head on Doyoungs shoulder. It almost seemed like they were lovers, who held each other in gentle embraces and planting small kisses anywhere they could reach. Taeyong was happily smiling, as he felt Doyoungs cheeks bunch up cutely while he snuggled closer to him. When the song ended, they let go and soon left.

Once again, they walked hand in hand to an unknown place which he now knew was their school. "What are we doing here?" Taeyong asked as they got closer to the school. "Do you remember when first became friends here?" Doyoung said instead while looking back at him. "Yeah, I remember that it happened when Mark brought me over to your table after seeing me with you in class." Taeyong said while smiling slightly at the thought.

They stood there, lost in their own thoughts before Doyoung snapped out of the trance and looked down at his watch. It was time. "Hey, there's one last place I promise." Doyoung said to him with hopeful, large eyes which shone with happiness. "Of course, I love spending time with you anyways." Taeyong said while smiling widely, and so so cutely. Doyoung reached over and pinched his cheek. "You're so adorable taeyong." He said while staring at him so lovingly.

Taeyong giggled and slapped him lightly on the arm when he teased him, and followed behind him as they left. They walked as it got a bit cooler later during the evening. They walked together as Doyoung led them to a small lit up area near a river they've both been to. Taeyong looked up at him, while he only smiled back once he saw taeyong looking. He guided them to the small area, seeing pretty fairy lights strung up across a few tree branches with flowers everywhere, the scent sweet. A few candles were among the flowers making them glow almost. Taeyong was in awe with how beautiful the place was. He looked at Doyoung like an excited child, "how did you do this?" Taeyong asked, looking at him with sparkly innocent eyes. "It's for you sweetheart, do you like it?"

Taeyong was a little taken aback from the confession, but he really liked it. "Of course! It's so beautiful!" He said while looking around the scenery once more while grinning widely. "You're even prettier taeyong." Doyoung said while gently placing his hands on either side of taeyongs face, staring lovingly at him. "Me? Um, I don't think so, but thank you" taeyong said nervously as he looked back into Doyoungs eyes. "Taeyong, I took you here because I wanted to tell you that I love you. I love you so so much, and I adore you so much. You're so beautiful, and so precious and I just want to protect you. You've been in my mind for months now, and I want to finally be able to kiss you and hug you without holding back. I want to hold you whenever you're sad again, and I want you to tell me all your worries and concerns because I'll always be there for you. Taeyong, I love you and I want to know if you'll be my boyfriend." Doyoung said while looking hopefully at him. Taeyong was lost for words as he blankly stared for a few seconds before he realized Doyoung was asking him something. "Of course! You already know that I love you too. And I'd want to do everything that you want if that's ok with you." Taeyong said while smiling and pressing his hands on top of Doyoungs while smiling so widely, he was sure his cheeks would get sore.

And with that, Doyoung flickered his gaze from his eyes to his lips as he inched towards taeyong. Taeyong leaned in slightly as they met mid way, in a soft innocent kiss. Taeyong felt Doyoungs soft, warm lips finally press against his in a loving manner he returned happily. They pressed their foreheads together after the soft kiss, as they both giggled. "You're no longer my bully, but my boyfriend." Doyoung said while giggling along with Taeyong as they softly pressed their lips against each other's once more, and from then on, they knew they'd never be apart again.

Hey, the story has finally ended! I'm emotionally attached to this story and I'll miss updating it. I'd like to thank you all for the votes and reads and for everything you've done for me. Thank you for supporting this book, and I'll make sure to start writing a new one soon! This has been all for this story, please look forward to my next book, bye and love you all!

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