Flowers in our hair (Chapter 1)

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||Tamaki POV||

I gently sigh, laying on the fluffy couch in mine and Nejire's room. Nejire was hanging out with some of her friends, so I was on my own for now. I think for a moment, I want to do something nice for her.....shes been talking about how she was super upset when those cosmos that her mom gave her died. I knew that if I got her some they wouldn't be nearly as important, but I'm sure she would love it. I slip on my shoes as I was already dressed. I grab my wallet and start walking to the flower shop that my mom owns. As I was walking I saw Hado and her friends walk into the nail salon, I'm happy she's treating herself....she deserves it. I notice that I'm at the shop and I push open the door. My mother, who is a short elderly lady with hair that matched the tone of mine, which she tied in a put and put a flower in. She pushed her glasses up as she smiles. "Hi Amajiki. How are you today?" She smiles, slowly troting over to me. "I've been fine, you mama?" I smile, hugging her gently. "We were busy today...but feel free to take whatever flowers you'd like, dearest." She says, walking off the go water something. I browse for a bit before finding some white cosmos that I'm sure Hado would love. I pick a few. I walk over to my mother. "Are you sure you don't want me to pay, mama?" I ask, feeling bad. "I'm sure sweetie. Cosmos don't sell well so take as many as you'd like!" She smiles, pulling me down to kiss me on the cheek before letting me go. "Alright mama....Im gonna go home before Hado gets there, okay?" I smiles. Mama nods and I'm off. I head back to our apartment and sigh, setting the flowers down and cooking some octopus sushi, one of Hado's favorites. I smiles as I hear the door click open and then shut. "Tamaki! I'm home, if you're here!" She shouts. I walk out of the kitchen, walking towards her and planting a big kiss on her cheek. She giggles  and pulls me in for an actual kiss. I smile as we pull apart. "What'd you guys do all day?" I ask. She smiles, setting down bags from a series of stores. "Well I'll show you those in a second but look at my nails!!" She squeals a bit. I look to see glittery blue nails with little dots on them. I smile and laugh a bit. "They look so good on you!" I hug her. She hugs me tightly. "I love you!" She say. I kiss her cheek. "I love you more." I giggle as she punches me gently in the arm. She leads me to the couch, setting her bags down and showing me a series of cute clothing that she loves. We get to the last thing and it a jewelry box. She hands it to me and tells me to open it. I open it and see a sun necklace and a moon necklace. The moon says "you are my sunshine" and the sun says "you are my moonlight.". She takes the sun from me and uncle's it, putting it around my neck and putting it on me. I put the other one on her. She giggles. "I saw these and had to get them!" She squeaks. I hug her, kissing her head as i lead her to the kitchen where she notices the food and flowers. I pick up the flowers and hand them to her. She takes them and smiles widely, picking on from the bunch and putting it in my hair. I do the same in return and soon all the flowers are in our hairs. "I know these aren't worth as much to you as the ones your mother gave you but I thought-" She cuts me off with a loving kiss. I blush. "I love them....thank you, Amajiki." She smiles back. "I love you..." I smile, hugging her. She hugs back. "I love you too." He squeezes me. "Now let's eat!" She smiles, holding my hands. I nod and smile back.

Smile! (Tamaki x Nejire) !¡Discontinued¡!Where stories live. Discover now