A Day for Nejire (Chapter 8)

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||Tamaki POV||

I smile as I look at what I've done. I've set up a sort of luxury day for Nejire. I'd start with breakfast in bed and end with a lovely dinner and slow dancing. I lay the flowers on the table and pick up the breakfast tray, walking to the bedroom and nudging Nejire awake. She rubs her eyes and seems to catch a smell of the cinnamon rolls, her favorite. She sits up and looks at me, I smile in return. I hand her the tray and she looks at the cinnamon rolls, bacon, eggs, and fresh fruit on the plate with a nice vanilla coffee just for her. She smiles and invites me to sit next to her. I do so and she puts a blackberry on her fork, trying to feed it to me. "N-No Nejire....Its your breakfast." I say. She shakes her head. "I love you Tamaki." She says. I go to say it back and she shoves the berry into my mouth. I chew it in shock, but it tastes so good. I smile and kiss her on the cheek. She starts eating, feeding me along the way. I even stole a few drinks of her coffee. She picks up the last bite of food, a piece of cinnamon roll. Nejire slips into half way into her mouth and signal for me to bite the other end. I hesitate but do so. She starts eating and I do the same, our lips meet and we share a sweet kiss before separating to finish eating. "Tamaki....this is really sweet of you." She says, her face stuffed with food. She finishes up and I take the tray. Nejire stands up and takes the tray back. "Tamaki. You know I don't like being spoiled." She winked and giggled, carrying the tray to the kitchen. I follow , lagging behind slightly. She sets it down and grabs a few things before heading to the bathroom. She comes back out in an amazing dress. It was a fluffy blue color and puffed out. The sleeves were long but the shoulders were cut out, leaving the style of the dress free and elegant. I realize I was still in my pajamas, what a loser I must have looked like to her. I walk over to hug and hold her but backed up, not wanting to unpuff her dress. Nejire pulls me in for a big hug anyway, causing me to topple over my own legs and send us both to the floor. Its quiet for a moment before Nejire starts laughing. "Tamaki! You're too tall for your own good!" She says, laughing harder. I whimper a bit and blush, what an embarrassment I am. She notices my discomfort and shakes her head, pulling me in for a kiss. "No, Tama. Get those mean thoughts out of your mind." Nejire says, poking my forehead. She slips out from under me, getting to her feet and pulling me up with her. She leads me to our closet and gives me an outfit. I change into the sweater and jeans she picked. Nejire smiles, telling me her plan for the mall. It wasn't what I had planned but it was a day for Nejire.
We arrived at the mall and first head into one of Nejire's favorite boutiques. She had went to go talk to the sales woman, leaving me alone near the skirts. I felt myself unusually drawn to them. I had understood that I liked woman's clothing occasionally but always pinned it on the fact that I was dating a girl. I was drawn to a black skirt that fell just above the knee and was fluffy. I go to touch it when on of the employees walks over. "What are you doing with that?" She snarks. I whimper. "L-Looking at it?" I mumble. "Uhuh. Sureeeee. You're probably some kind of creep who-" Nejire notices the commotion and walks over. "Excuse me? Leave my boyfriend alone." She says grabbing my hand. The employee gets closer to me and I start to sweat a lot. "Tell me then. What were you gonna do with that skirt?" The employee gets closer to me. I whimper. Nejire looks confused and notices the skirt that was halfway off the hanger and her brain seemed to put two and two together. I gulp, and whisper to Nejire; "M-My tummy hurts...." I said. I probably sounded like a child but I did a lot of the time when I was anxious. Aniexty would ball up in my 'tummy' as I would call it, and then it would start to hurt. "Did you just say 'tummy'?" She puts up hand quotes, "What are you, a child?" I wanted to cry. "You're a grown adult too lady! He just wanted the skirt and you're harassing him! Leave us alone!" Nejire says. The woman grumbles and stomps off. Nejire sighs and turns to me. "Sorry for the trouble I was just...well, IwantedtogettheskirtbecauseIthinkitwouldlookgoodonyou!" I say, trying to hide that I wanted it and mashing all my words together. Nejire looks at me, then the skirt, and then me again. "Tama...do you want to wear the skirt?" She asks. I gulp and blush, nodding slowly. She smiles. "Cross dressing it perfectly fine Tama! Whatever makes you happy, plus there are a few other things I think would look good on you!"
We spend the rest of the day shopping. As soon as we got home we threw the bags on the ground, changing into pajamas and flopping onto the bed, cuddling and falling asleep. So sure, stuff didn't go as I had planned, but we still had fun. :)

Smile! (Tamaki x Nejire) !¡Discontinued¡!Where stories live. Discover now