Family Visit (Chapter 4)

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||Nejire POV||
Tamaki's family was coming over today and only I knew! It was his mom and his older sister, I was ecstatic to meet them. I heard the door bell ring and almost screamed in excitement, Tamaki by my side. I ran to the door. "Nejire...what are you doing?" He asked, a little nervous looking. I opened the door and in walked two very tall ladies that looked identical to Tamaki. Tamaki stared in horror. "Surprise! You fam wanted to come over and meet me!" I said, my smile wide. "!" Tamaki grabbed me and held me close. "Tama....whats wrong?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Kitten..." I mumble. He sighs. "I...they hate me..." He say, so only I can hear. "Oh Kitten...I'm sure they don't hate you. I'm sure they just show aggressive love." I smile, hugging him. He whimpers.  I turn to his mother and sister again and smile. "Welcome to our home!" Nejire smiles. They set down their bags and smile at me. "Hm...I thought he would've been with someone a bit.....more housewify" His sister looks me up and down. "Excuse me?" I scoff a bit. Tamaki whimpers. His mother turns to him."You look so weak. Tamaki, you need to gain some muscle. How is that poor girl ever going to feel safe?" He mother pouts, pinching his cheek. "N-Nejire can handle herself..s-shes very strong and p-p-powerful." Tamaki defends me. "Uhm...Tamaki has some food cooking for you guys!" I try to lighten the mood. "Oh great. The man is cooking. This house is a disaster....where are the children?" His sister scoffs and peeks around. "Children????"I look super confused. "Yes! You must provide me with grandchildren!" His mother semi-yells. "....Me and Tamaki both want children....but not right now. My chance of getting pregnant is very low due to quirk overusage, but if I give it time the chance will increase. Me and Tamaki are still young. We want to live our lives." I say, trying to stay calm. "Well i was only 18 when I had Tamaki." His mother snorts, almost growling as her lips flapped. "Well, with all respect, I don't care what age you had your child. My body is my body and I do not want a child right now." I say. "Now. Tamaki, why don't you go get the food dear?" I suggest. Only then do I realize that Tamaki's sister is gone. I sigh and run to mine and Tamaki's room, where his sister is going through my clothes, throwing them everywhere. "Hey! Hey! Please don't do that!" I say, grabbing my sweater, which Tamaki loves wearing. I sigh and look at all of my nice laundry, which is now unfolded and everywhere. "Ugh. Where's all the scandalous clothes?" His sister groans, looking at me. "I dont dress like that." I say. She groans. I lead her back out, where Tamaki has the table set. "Ugh. This looks burnt." His mother complained, poking at the food. I sigh. We all sit down and start eating. "Tamaki. You really can't even cook. Its burnt and tastes awful. I-" I snap. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!LEAVE ME AND TAMAKI ALONE! NEVER COME BACK!" They both scoff and grab their things, walking out. Me and Tamaki sigh. "I'm sorry about them-" I cut him off. "Don't be. It's not your fault. Now. Lets eat your amazing food and cuddle while we watch a movie." We both smile and nod.

Smile! (Tamaki x Nejire) !¡Discontinued¡!Where stories live. Discover now