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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb, as always:)

Candace was sitting at a bench in a secluded area of the park checking her watch. "She should be here by now..." she thought to herself. A vibration and flashing light came on her phone and she picked it up instantly.

"Isabella, where are you?" Candace hissed.

"Where are YOU?" Isabella asked, confused. "I'm with Emma if you don't mind, I'm showing her around Danville."

"I'm over by the huge cluster of trees on a bench. Oh wait, I see you guys! I'm waving!" Candace exclaimed and started frantically waving.

"See you! We will be over in a sec. Bye." Isabella hung up the phone and her and Emma walked over to where Candace was sitting.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Izzy asked.

"See, Phineas has been acting really strange lately, and not himself. He doesn't even want to build stuff anymore! What did you do to him?!" Candace sounded really worried.

"H-he doesn't want to build stuff? I-I don't know why... I haven't talked to him in a couple weeks."

"That must be it. Isabella, we all know you're in love with Phineas but you can't just ignore him when he's already alone. When Phineas is sad, he goes into a complete vegetative state, you can't do that to-" Candace was trying to finish her sentence when Isabella's face scrunched up and got red as a tomato. Emma looked very scared and gave Candace a look and walked to the playground.

"Why are you blaming me for this? I'm trying to get over him so I can go over to your stupid house without going all goo goo ga ga over him okay?! I'm really trying, and if you can't handle that, then-then I don't want to see either of you!" she yelled and stomped away, with Emma running after her.

"What happened, Izzy?" Emma asked.

"Nothing. Leave me alone please." Isabella was pissed off.

"No, Izzy, please tell me. I just want to help!" Emma tried to go after her but Candace ran up in front of her before she could say anything.

"Isabella, I'm sorry. I didn't know. Please forgive me? I was just trying to help because my brother has been so down lately and I just thought you'd like to know you're kind of the reason he is sad, and to be honest with you, I think he might be catching feelings for you too." Candace said.

Isabella spun around as fast as you can say "erb-ferb atin-lerb!"

"I'm sorry, did I hear that right? Phineas Flynn, the same Phineas Flynn I've had a crush on for YEARS might like me back?" her frown quickly turned into a confused face, then a huge smile. "HE LIKES ME! PHINEAS LIKES ME!"

"Shh! Keep it down, you don't want all of the Tristate Area knowing! Can you help me with something though?" Candace smirked.

Meanwhile, at the Flynn-Fletcher household, Phineas was still sulking on his bed. "I lost my best friend. She doesn't even want to see me anymore. What is wrong with me? Am I not good enough? Did I do something?" he thought out loud, then screamed into his pillow, which made Ferb glance up from his book and at Phineas, who came up from the pillow, and then a smile crossed his brother's face.

"Are you okay?" Ferb asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Ferb, I know what I'm going to do today." Phineas laughed. "Hey, where's Perry?"

"Now there's the brother I know. Where are you going?" Ferb smiled as Phineas put on a shirt and ran downstairs.

"I'm going to fix this." Phineas said as he ran out the door.

Back at the park, Candace, Isabella, and Emma were hatching a plan to get Phineas out of his funk.

"Ok, so to recap, tonight I'm coming to your house and we are going to have our sleepover, and then go over to Candace's house where she's going to get her parents out of the house, Candace will invite me upstairs to do our nails or some girly stuff, leaving Phineas and Isabella to talk- wait what about his brother?" Emma recapped the situation but a look of confusion came over her face as she realized they had left Ferb out of the plan.

"Oops, forgot about Ferb. Hold on- lets do something a little different..." Candace trails off and pulls up a picture of Ferb on her phone.

"Holy... smokes... Batman." Emma took one look at the picture and practically swooned.

"Perfect! I'm gonna get Ferb to take you upstairs and you guys can do your thing and that leaves Phineas and Isabella alone, I'll just hang out in my room and spy on them! Perfect plan, huh?" Candace giggled and watched both of the younger girls smile and nod.

"Are you sure this is going to work? Phineas isn't stupid." Isabella was still skeptical. "What if I get rejected? I can't take that."

"Believe me, you won't! Phineas and you are best friends, so even if the worst case scenario happens, it will be awkward for a couple weeks, tops!" Candace tried to make her feel better, but somehow ended up making it worse. "Sorry about that, Isabella just trust me, it's gonna be awesome I promise!"

The three girls giggled together as the sun started setting over the ominous purple building in the horizon. This plan was going to work no matter what.

*Thanks for reading my story so far! I hope you guys are liking it so far, I'm kind of in love with the storyline right now, let me know in the comments what you guys think I should add, don't feel bad if I don't take every suggestion, I have a main idea of what I want to happen, but please go ahead and give me feedback I'd love it!

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