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disclaimer: i don't own phineas and ferb, also trigger warning- talks about relationship abuse

"So... what was that all about?" Ferb asked.

"It's kind of a long story, but you got beat up for it, so you deserve to know." Emma sighed and went into her story-

It all started back in freshman year. I had just moved to Alabama and started at the high school. I was accepted into Student Council, and as you can probably guess, stuco kids aren't the nicest. Well, they act nice to your face then talk crap about you behind your back.

It was the first day of school and I went into my first period, which was Geometry. I ended up sitting next to this girl, named Brittany-

"Wait, Brittany, was that the girl you were saying sent Jerkface here to bully you?" Ferb asked.

"Yeah, that's her." Emma said. "Wait, let me finish my story."

Anyways, we talked all class period long, and I thought I had found a friend. She told me that her and her friend group were having a back to school sleepover for stuco kids and invited me to come. Me, being my innocent, naive, self, told her yes.

After I went home, I told my mom how I had already made some awesome friends and I was going to have a great freshman year. She was proud of me and dropped me off at the sleepover. It started off okay, but as it got later, they started making mean comments indirectly pointed at me. They talked about how wavy hair was so gross and nobody could rock it. It kind of hurt, but I didn't think much of it. After all, maybe they thought mine looked good. Then, we played truth or dare, and at the time, I had met Ethan over the summer and we started talking. I thought I was in love, so when they asked me who I had a crush on, I obviously said Ethan, thinking that it would be safe within the group. After I said that, all the girls gave me dirty looks. I asked them what was wrong, and Brittany got mad and told me that Ethan was her boyfriend. She told me all kinds of mean things, and made me call him in front of all of them and tell them that I was dumb and a homewrecker and I had to 'break up' with him. I ended up going home crying that night.

Ethan called me back later that night and told me that he was breaking up with Brittany for me, and I was stupid enough to believe him. Last year, so sophomore year, we started officially dating and he would do all these romantic things for me, and I thought I was in love. Brittany was jealous and never let me live it down. She would call me names all the time, post crap about me all over Instagram and on those stupid high school confession pages about how I was a slut and a liar and a terrible person in general. It hurt, but I didn't think much about it because I knew, or I thought I knew, that the only person I cared about still loved me.

Trigger warning, there is abuse mentioned in following paragraphs

But then everything changed. Life as I knew it turned on my head and I didn't know how to handle it. Ethan started to abuse me. He would hit me, threaten to take my virginity while I was sleeping, and call me all sorts of terrible things. I was too scared to say anything, so I let it happen. Eventually, he threw me away, told me I was ugly, fat, and worthless, and then he broke up with me. I was lucky to get out of there before he did something to me that I would never get back. Ever since I learned about that, I knew I was going to wait until marriage because that's a special bond I need with someone. No exceptions.

"After I told my parents about it, they were quick to up and move our family before I could get hurt any more. Luckily, I haven't said anything on social media about moving to Danville, so I don't think he can find me there. The next few weeks are going to be really... fun..." Emma sighed and looked at the ground, then after recalling those feelings, she started to sob.

Ferb was speechless. He didn't think it was okay for someone to treat a beautiful girl like her like that. It wasn't fair. She didn't even have someone to trust.

"Emma... I hope you know I will never be like that. I'm so, so sorry that that happened to you, because that is something that nobody should have to deal with. I promise, I won't let anything happen to you, and you can trust me completely. You will never be alone. Don't be afraid to tell me anything. I love you so much and I would never do anything to hurt you." he said, pulling her into his chest and let her cry her heart out, while tears of his own dripped down his cheek, hurt by what that stupid boy had done to the love of his life. He felt an anger rise in him, and that didn't usually happen to Ferb.

Emma felt his heartrate rise drastically and looked up to find him scowling at the wall behind her. "F-Ferb? Are you okay?" she asked.

"No. No, I'm not. You don't get to be treated like crap and then be forced into hiding because of some douche bag who thinks he can do whatever he wants. If I see that jerk one more time, he's going to see the other side and then come back in so much pain he will wish he died." Ferb said with his teeth clenched.

"Ferb, don't do this. He will go away. I'm not going to let you go to jail because of my evil ex. If you do that, you will never see me again. Is that what you want?" she asked him with her puppy dog eyes.

He paused for a second, then realized he would be in a very worse situation if he did that.

"Just listen to me, please. I'd rather have you than have revenge. That's why I didn't tell you first. I didn't want you to try to kill him and then never be able to see the love of my life ever again. You said you wouldn't hurt me. If you decide to do this, you will hurt me, as well as yourself. Let it go, and let's try to enjoy this vacation while we have it. I love you too much to get back at someone from the past." she said, stroking his back and looking into his eyes.

As he stared at her gorgeous hazel eyes, he couldn't help but smile. "I did promise you that I wouldn't hurt you, didn't I... If you insist, I won't look to hurt him again." he gave her a slight smile, and she kissed him softly.

"I love you, Ferb."

"I love you too, Emma."

After they finished their long kiss, they decided to head back to the beach to try to finish the day off right.

Ethan was going to ruin that stupid girl's life. He was going to break her and her precious boyfriend up. Her heart would break into pieces, and he knew exactly how he was going to do it. He had taken classes from a local evil scientist, who went by the name of Rodney. He took out his phone to call Brittany about his plan. Before he pressed the number, he heard a noise from the alley behind him. He walked back there to find a blue platypus. Random. He backed away slowly, knowing they had some kind of venom, and called his new girlfriend. Well, not exactly new, he had been dating her all through high school, even while dating Emma.

"Hey babe, I know what to do. Rodney helped me design this thing to switch bodies. I'm going to kidnap her, switch our bodies, and break up with her and her dumb boyfriend. He beat me up today, but he won't be able to resist me in his precious girlfriend's body.

Perry heard everything, and walked out of the alley. He needed to help Emma without revealing his secret. This was going to be tricky, but with his stealthiness, he could do it. It could be easier with someone with experience with machines... INATORS! He thought and called Agent S back in Danville.

*speaks in platypus* "Crimson. This is urgent and I need your help critically."

"You? Need my help?" she laughed. "Okay, what's up?"

"One of my owners has a girlfriend, who has an ex that is trying to kidnap her and switch their bodies to break up with my owner."

"I'm sorry, I didn't get any of that. What do you want me to do?"

"Ugh, whatever I'll explain it when you guys get here."

"What do you mean 'you guys'?"

"Go get Dr. Doofenschmirtz and tell him there's something Perry needs him for."

"The nemesis? Isn't he evil?"

"Well, yeah, but he's not BAD! He will help me just go get him, okay?" Perry chattered annoyed.

"Fine, Mr. Crankypants, we will be there in a few hours."

"Thank you, Crimson."

"You're welcome, partner!" she barked.

"Don't push it."

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