Prelude to the Hangout

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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb

Today was a special day for Perry. It was the anniversary of his 400th fight with Dr. Doofenschmirtz. He woke up refreshed, laying on the cool covers of Phineas's bed under his arm with the birds chirping happily out the window. His watch beeped and he tried to muffle the sound of Major Monogram so as not to wake up the boys, not only because they had been up late last night doing who knows what, but also he didn't want to blow his cover.

Perry snuck out of Phineas's grasp and onto the floor, trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Agent P! Agent P, what are you doing? Answer me this instant!" the deep voice from his watch kept saying as Perry scrambled out of the room and into the bathroom, where he answered the watch with a glare.

"Sorry to wake you up, Agent P. By the way, happy anniversary! Anyways, we know Doof is up to something big today because he left this voicemail on my machine-" Major Monogram started and proceeded to play a recording of Doofenschmirtz saying:

"Good morning Major Monobrow! Haha, that gets me every time! Anyways, I have something huge planned for today since it is the 400th fight anniversary so make sure to send Perry the Platypus as soon as possible because it is very, very important that he gets here before my delivery guy. *evil laughs*"

"So as you can tell, he must have something planned for you two, so break a leg, Agent P! Oh, we have a surprise of our own here!"

When he finishes singing a song that goes a little like,

Happy Anniversary,

We know you've had adversary,

But here's a song to celebrate,

All the evil that you've stopped!

As the song finished, confetti shot at Perry in his chair and didnt' really scatter, it kind of just shot in his face and he had to spit it out, then a cake came shooting out of nowhere into his face.

"CARL! Why didn't you make it work right?"

"I'm sorry sir, I was trying to get exact coordinates!" Carl said in his nasally voice.

Perry rolled his eyes, licked the frosting off of his chin, and got in his hovercar and drove away as Carl and Monogram were arguing. He approached Doofenschmirtz Evil Inc. as the jingle played over a speaker. He approached the balcony to find it barren of any 'Inators' or even Doofenschmirtz.

There's no way he would have missed this, thought Perry. Maybe he's just late?

As he was thinking, a huge ribbon came out of nowhere and tied around him and slammed him into a giant cake behind him. How he missed the giant cake, I have no idea. But a familiar voice came walking behind him.

"Well, well, well, Perry the Platypus, I see you've fallen into my Anniversary Trap Version 2! I did something similar to the one I did a couple summers ago, but you obviously wouldn't remember that because, well, it worked again!" he belly laughed, then continued talking.

"You see, when I was a young boy in Gimmelshtump, my parents would celebrate EVERY anniversary of anything my younger brother, Roger did. His first word, first step, even the first time he ate any of the meals my mother cooked. So, almost every day was a celebration for my parents and Roger, but I was obviously still stuck as a yard gnome, and my parents didn't celebrate any anniversaries of mine, like I've said in the past, they didn't even celebrate my birthday.

"Anyways, this always made me angry because I had nothing while my brother had everything he could ever have been given, so I created the Disaster-inator! It will take any happy circumstance of anyone else wherever I shoot the ray and turn it into a huge mess! But, see, we will still be enjoying our fight anniversary, because I'm not gonna shoot you, I'm just going to shoot everyone in the Tri State Area, so that Roger's job as mayor will be a disaster and they will obviously put me in charge and I will be the RULER OF THE TRI STATE AREA!"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, there's the cake! Give me a second, Perry the Platypus." Doofenschmirtz walked to the door and got the cake, while Perry was busy cutting the ribbon and escaping just in time to kick Doofenshmirtz into the Disaster-inator, and it sent a single beam somewhere right before plummeting to its downfall.

"Well, that was a disaster. Curse you, Perry the Platypus. Eh, at least we have cake!" but before he could even take a bite, an eagle came flying onto the deck and smashed into the cake. "Gosh darn it, I guess I just can't have nice things."

Back at Isabella's house, Emma was there helping Isabella get ready to have her special night with Phineas. She picked her out a cute hot pink top with white denim shorts, a white bow, and hot pink sandals.

"You. Look. Absolutely. STUNNING!" Emma giggled and walked Isabella over to the mirror, where she took one look and they both screamed with delight.

"Thanks for helping me do this, I'm just scared that its gonna be awkward with us trying to admit our feelings, you know?" Izzy said with a frown.

"I totally understand, but you don't need to be scared! Just tell him the complete truth, and it will all work out in the end, I promise!" Emma smiled warmly and gave her a hug.

Emma's phone rang.

"Hey Candace, what's up? Did you talk to your parents yet?" she asked. There was a muffled response Izzy didn't hear and then Emma lit up with a smile and she knew it was a good response.

After Emma hung up the phone, Isabella excitedly asked, "What did she say?"

"She told me that her parents are out of town for the weekend so they have the house to themselves for a few days! We are in the clear and ready to go! She talked to the boys and they seemed okay with it. She said to come over in a couple hours, Phineas said he was working on something and wouldn't be done for a little while." Emma responded with a grin, and then the girls jumped up and down at the chance to be alone with not just the guy that Isabella had liked, but also a new guy Emma had never met before.

What could go wrong?

Meanwhile, at the Flynn-Fletcher house, Phineas was working on his latest project. He was determined to figure out what was wrong with Isabella, so he designed a high tech piece of jewelry that looked like a normal necklace with a beautiful pendant shaped like an I, for Isabella, but it was also a device that could tap into their brain and find out what was on their mind. Phineas designed himself a bracelet that was pretty manly, so nobody would suspect anything. His device would intercept the information and give it to his brain so he would know what was on Isabella's mind whenever he wanted to. Some people might have called it crazy, stalkerish even, but Phineas was just determined to figure out the problem with his best friend.

Ferb walked into the garage.

"You made her a necklace? Are you sure you don't like her?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, no? Ferb, I don't know. I mean, she's obviously cute, its a scientific fact, but I just wouldn't want to mess up our friendship by telling her I might, remotely, be attracted to her." Phineas looked at the ground. "Plus the necklace was just so she would like it and want to wear it."

But he did incorporate her favorite jewel, the pink sapphire, into it, as well as a few small diamonds and a silver chain, he knew she loved pink and silver as a mixture. She had told him that last summer when they were building her a gocart for their major go carting adventure. He never forgot that.

Did he feel something more for her? No. He couldn't. He didn't want to risk anything. He would have to push his teenage feelings down. That's all they were, hormones... right?

*Ok, we have a little bit of a long chapter today, but tomorrows is gonna be even longer, alright? I'm building suspense;] plus I added a little bit more of Perry in this one, so hopefully its not too cheesy throughout the whole thing, we gotta add a little more PIZAZZZZZ! Anyways, please comment, vote my story, read through, I'd love feedback! Thanks for reading this chapter and stay tuned for part 5 tomorrow!

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