Love At First Sight

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Ferb looked over at Isabella and Phineas, who were knocked out on the lawn after getting hit by the ray.

"I hope it worked... well if it didn't they're still together I guess." Ferb laughed and then remembered he had a date to get to. He started to clean it up but when he came out for the next trip the rest of it was gone. Well, easier for me, he thought to himself and ran inside to get ready real quick.

At Emma's house, she was busy getting ready for her first date with Ferb. She was so excited! She'd only been on dates with her ex, Ethan. They didn't have the best relationship, but she told everyone that they had drifted apart and mutually broken up. She was over him, finally, and had found someone new! And that someone would be here in a few minutes.

She put on a cute outfit, white jeans with a sky blue top, a white headband, and some blue earrings. She put on her makeup, which was just some blush, lipgloss (strawberry of course), eyeshadow, mascara, and did her hair curly.

She was so excited, when she heard the doorbell, she skipped down the hallway and out the door.

"Hi Ferb! Thanks for taking me out tonight!" she giggled.

"It's my pleasure, m'lady." he took her hand, bowed, and kissed it.

"Wow, such a gentleman!" she curtsied back and he smiled at her and led her down the sidewalk to the park.

"So today was an adventure, huh?" she asked him.

"Yes. Yes it was. I think Phineas and Isabella are knocked out on the lawn right now so I guess we will see what happens." he smirks.

"That'll be interesting for sure. What do you think they will think when they wake up next to each other on his lawn and don't remember anything?" Emma speculated.

"They can deal with that when they wake up, but tonight is about us." Ferb turned to face Emma and looked at her in her beautiful hazel eyes. "You're gorgeous tonight." he whispered.

"It's just for you." she whispered back in his ear.

They both leaned in for a kiss, but as they were about to kiss, the brights of a sports car came on and revved their engine.

"What's your deal, loverboy?" a familiar voice called out, with a higher pitched voice trailing behind.

"Yeah, what's your problem?"

Ferb recognized the voices as the car pulled up to the curb as Buford and Baljeet got out of the car.

"Hey, loverboy, who's the chick?" Buford laughed.

"Her name's Emma, and we are TRYING to have a date here." Ferb hissed.

"Whoa, hear that? Loverboy's mad!" he replied, and Baljeet laughed with him.

"You guys haven't even seen me when I'm mad, and I can promise you don't want to. Now please leave." he said in his velvety British accent. Emma was most definitely attracted to him now.

Buford and Baljeet climbed into the car and drove off to flirt with the Fireside Girls.

"Sorry about that, Emma." he flashed a quick smile, grabbed her hands again, and got closer to her.

"Now... where were we..." he whispered as his lips met hers. Sparks flew. His hands moved down her side and onto her hips, and she ran her fingers through his emerald green hair. He pulled her closer and eventually they fell onto the bench next to them, passionately kissing.

She pulled away for air a few minutes later, and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"If that's what the result of 3 interrupted almost kisses were, that was definitely worth waiting for." she smirked and rested her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a while, looking at the stars and happy to just be with each other, that they forgot the ice cream.

They sat on the bench, talking and laughing for hours on end with each other until Emma's phone rang.

"Hello? Oh hi mom... I guess I can be home in a half hour or so... alright see you then, bye."

She hung up the phone and sighed. "This has been one of the greatest nights of my life, but unfortunately, my parents are getting worried. Wanna walk me home?"

"I would love to, darling." They stood up and started walking back to her house.

"So, was this a disaster? Never wanna see me again?" she laughed.

"The only disastrous part about it was that I don't get to be by your side for the rest of the night." he whispered in her ear.

"F-Ferb... I wish I could talk all night long, but I think my parents would have a heart attack. I promise, no I pinky promise, that I will see you first thing tomorrow morning. Dream about me, okay?" she ran her fingers through his hair once more before he kissed her softly goodnight.

"You'll never leave my mind." he smirked, embraced her again, and watched her walk back inside, then walked across the street with their kiss still in his mind and the taste of her lipgloss on his lips. The butterflies he got from her were nothing he had ever felt before, and he realized, he had fallen in love at first sight.

Emma laid in her bed, unable to sleep, because she had the image of Ferb in her mind. They had a connection. A connection that she had never felt before. Their kiss was like lightning in her memory. She had the feeling of happiness and her heart was thumping faster than the speed of light. It was most definitely love at first sight.

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