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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb

Isabella got halfway across the street when Emma ran up behind her and grabbed her into a hug.

"Izzy! What just happened? Why are you mad at Phineas?" Emma asked.

"He... spied... on... me!" Isabella exclaimed through sobs.

"What? How?" Emma had no idea what happened.

"I... can't... really... explain... it... can... I... have... a... little... time..." Izzy broke down crying and ran upstairs, locked her door, and left Emma on the front porch. Emma knew what she had to do.

She ran back across the street to Phineas and Ferb's house. The door was still open and Phineas was awestrucken standing by the door.

"Phineas! What just happened?"

"I-I honestly don't know." he replied with no emotion.

"You have to talk to me about this. Isabella is bawling her eyes out because of it, I can't help her if I don't know what happened!" Emma was a little pissed off.

"Okay... well yesterday I made this necklace for Isabella. I put all her favorite things on it and added some... high tech stuff... to let me see what's wrong so I can fix our friendship. I only did it because I knew if I asked her, she wouldn't want to tell me and would just avoid the topic, so I took the next step. Anyways, today I saw how much she liked me and realized I like her a lot too, but when I tried to explain it, she got mad and stormed off." Phineas sighed and looked at the ground. "I probably messed it up even worse, and now I know she actually had feelings for me. How did I miss it? I was so oblivious I guess..."

"No! Don't think that way! I'm gonna help you guys. This isn't going to be the end of you two. I promise you that." Emma was determined to get them together, even if it took all her energy.

"Emma, make that 'us'. I'm gonna help you guy too." Ferb walked up and offered to help as well.

"I'm helping too! I started this whole thing, so I'm going to help fix it." Candace smiled and rested her hand on Phineas's shoulder.

"It'll be okay, bro." Ferb said.

"Thanks guys, but I'm not the one to talk to, you have to talk to her." Phineas was still down in the dumps.

"I'm going over there now. Candace, would you come with me?" Emma asked.

"Of course! Let's roll." Candace smiled and the two girls walked across the street to talk to Isabella.

Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro opened the door when they came over.

"Hi, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro, can we talk to Isabella? It's kind of important." Candace said.

"Yes, of course, girls! Good luck!" she smiled. Mrs. Garcia Shapiro was so nice, just like Izzy.

Emma knocked on Izzy's door. "Hi, cutie, can you open the door so we can talk a little bit?"

They heard the door unlock and Izzy stood there, eyes red, but she looked like she was done crying.

"Hi guys. I'm sorry for overreacting and leaving you. I'm just a little nervous. Why did he feel the need to spy on me? Couldn't he have just asked?" Isabella frowned.

"Izzy, I talked to Phineas and I don't think you got the whole picture. Are you sure you would have told him the truth if he had asked what was wrong? Or would you have lied and said you were fine? Just think about that. He knows you so well, he knows you would have pretended you were fine and he just wanted to fix it. He wasn't trying to hurt you." Candace tried to explain Phineas's thought process.

"Oh my gosh... I didn't even think of that. And he put so much time and effort into this necklace. Phineas wouldn't do that to me just to use me. Oh no, I've screwed everything up! He even told me he liked me and I didn't even get to tell him I liked him too. But I guess he already knows. I guess it just hurts that I didn't get to see the surprise on his face when I told him. That's all I wanted." Isabella started to tear up again.

"No Isabella! Don't cry! Hey, we can fix this! Phineas isn't mad at you! He wanted to make it right! You need to talk to him. Maybe there's a way he can make some device to make you two forget so you both get the surprise of finding out? What do you think, Candace?" Emma suggested.

"Emma... that's an awesome idea! I bet I can get him to build one! Izzy how does that sound?"

"He can do that? What am I saying, of course he can do it! He's Phineas Flynn, the one I fell in... love with." she hesitated but seemed relieved after saying it out loud. "But first, I have to go apologize. I'll be right back!"

Izzy ran off and left Candace and Emma in her room. They sat and talked for a little while.

After Isabella ran to the Flynn-Fletcher house, Phineas was sitting behind the door. How could I have screwed it up so bad, he thought, then heard the doorbell.

He got up and opened the door to find Isabella standing there with tears in her eyes. He flinched, getting ready for the kick to the face when she would say she didn't want to be friends anymore, but that's not what happened at all. Instead, he felt her arms wrap around him and her face press into his shoulder.

He was surprised, but fell into the hug without thinking.

"I-Isabella? What happened? I thought you hated me..." he stuttered.

She pulled away and looked at him with her deep, beautiful, big blue eyes. He felt a jolt of electricity run through him.

"Phineas, I'm sorry. I took it the wrong way. I thought you were just trying to get into my brain, but I saw that you just did it because you knew I wouldn't tell you the truth if you did ask, and I completely understand. I guess I was just mad because I didn't get to see the look on your face when I told you I liked you."

"S-so you aren't mad at me anymore?" he asked, just to confirm.

She laughed. "Of course not, Phineas, how could I be mad at you for too long? But I have an idea?"

"Uh oh, what is it this time?" he smiled.

"Well... do you think you could make something to kind of reset our minds from today so I could have a chance to actually tell you I liked you?" she finished off her request with her classic puppy dog face and a cute, innocent, "pleeeeeeaaassseee?"

"Now you know I can't say no to that face! I guess we can do that, but we might need a little help from our friends to make sure it doesn't go down like today..." he smirked and hugged her tight.

"Sounds good to me, Phineas!" she giggled.

Later that evening, the machine was finished and everyone was prepared to make sure everything went down the way they had planned it.

Ferb was about to push the button on the machine to erase their memories, but before he did, Phineas yelped.

"Wait! Isabella, before we do this, since we have each other for a few more seconds, I have to do something."

"And what would that be..?" she asked.

"This." He motioned to Ferb to turn around to give them a little privacy. He took the piece of hair that was in front of her face and brushed it behind her ear. He leaned in closer, closed his eyes, and kissed her softly. She blushed, but kissed back. They kissed for a a few seconds before they both pulled away, Isabella confused but happy, and Phineas just excited.

"Hit it, Ferb!" he laughed after he pulled away. "See you this morning, gorgeous."

The machine let out a loud ZING and a green beam zapped them.

AHH THIS CHAPTER GAVE ME THE CHILLS! this is my favorite chapter so far! Y'all ready for the second take? Stay tuned for another chapter either tonight or tomorrow! Comment and vote please!

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