Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- (Present) "Comeback"

Moon byul and Gabriella flew back to Korea. Instead of smiling or enjoying the sunshine from Seoul. Her face was cold again like before. Her daughter smiles while looking around Incheon airport. "Dad, is this Korea?" Gabriella innocently asked. Moon byul carried her in one hand and on the other hand, are their mallets. " Yes, baby this is Korea and you are Korean" Moon byul answered her daughter. Gabriella wrapped her small arms around her mom's neck. "Dad, I know how to speak Hangul now because you thought me," Gabriella said. Moon byul smiled at her daughter at least just teaching her how to read and speak Korean will make her happy because it's an achievement for her.

" Unnie! Oh is this Gabriella?" Jeongyeon asked when moon byul and Gabriella reached the arrival exit. Moon byul put down Gabriella and seems like the little girl is a bit shy to speak. "Hello, Gabriella! Can you speak Korean?" Jeongyeon asked her in English. Gabriella shyly nodded and bowed at her aunt. " 안녕하세요, 가브리엘라 임니다/ Hello I'm Gabriella" the baby introduced herself and smiled showing her dimples. Jeongyeon at first sight was already in love with the little girl. And she recognized the smile of the little kid, it's coming from her birth mother as well.

"So cute baby, you look like your-" Jeongyeon unconsciously said but moon byul stomped at her foot, making her stop from talking. " You-you look like daddy, byul," Jeongyeon said glancing at moon byul who is furrowing her brows at her cousin. Gabriella smiled, " I don't know, daddy doesn't look like me" Gabriella innocently said to her aunt making Jeongyeon shut her mouth. She glanced at moon byul again and now she's giving her an apologetic look. Moon byul sighed at her. They went to the car and drove back to Jeongyeon's condominium. In the middle of the ride, moon byul's phone rang, she looked at the caller ID. It's her Girlfriend Yong sun, in no time byul answered her.

"Hey baby, how are you," moon byul asked. "I'm fine baby, how about you and Gabriella?" Yong asked as well. Gabriella was asleep because of the long flight back. "She's fine, she's just a little tired because of the flight," Moon byul said and turned the camera to her daughter who is sleeping next to her. "Aww so cute, well I just called to check on the both of you," Yong said in relief. " Goodbye to my babies I love you two" Yong sun added. Moon byul smiled at her girlfriend. "Bye my mochi, I love you too," Moon byul said. Yong sun was about to argue with moon byul's choice of words but the call got cut. Moon byul chuckled and fished back her phone back to her bag pocket.

"Girlfriend?" Jeongyeon asked while looking At the rearview. Moon byul nodded and looked outside the car window. She almost forgot Seoul because it's part of the past she left there. " How about wheein?" Jeongyeon asked out of the blue. Moon byul clenched her fist. "What about her?" Moon byul asked in a serious tone. Jeongyeon sighed. "She hasn't signed the divorce papers you sent her before," Jeongyeon said. Moon byul shakes her head in annoyance. "She just wants to have Gabriella back and she will sign it, it's her choice but it's not my plan to tell Gabriella about her mother," moon byul said and looked back at the view outside. "Fine, but I prepared a welcome back party for you at the company as the real CEO came back again," Jeongyeon said smirking. Byul grinned, "when?" Moon byul asked made Jeong Yeon glance at her. " Tomorrow," Jeongyeon said.

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