Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- " Doesn't care anymore"

The next day, moon byul left early for work. They haven't been talked that day but still became civil whenever they are in front of their daughter. But the next day moon byul washed up and left leaving kisses for Gabriella and wheein. Sure, wheein wants more but that's only what she needs. " Good morning Ms Moon I already sent you the schedule you have for today," her secretary said while following byul. They both got to their offices and started working. Moon byul heaved a sigh before opening her laptop showing her screen.

She's been using the wallpaper since they left wheein

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She's been using the wallpaper since they left wheein. She doesn't know why but she doesn't feel like removing it or changing it. She misses wheein too, as to be honest she still loves her. She loves Yong sun too but unlike wheein, she married her and she's been with her for so long. But she began suspecting her when wheein changed. What kind of change? She's always late to go home. That even though moon byul got home in 11 at the evening, wheein was still not yet back home. She loves wheein but when Gabriella came the love doubled until it was infinite. But as things change cheating incidents were a big deal.


The clock strikes at 12, moon byul exhaustedly sighed and rested on her chair. She looked at the wall clock to confirm the time. So she then exited her office and went to eat outside. On the other hand, wheein prepared lunch for moon byul that's why she booked a taxi and went to the building. Everyone she passed greeted her. She was thinking of surprising her wife to make her trust come back on her again. She can't have a family if the half doesn't even mean something to her.

She walked while finding her phone to check on Gabriella. But she bumped into someone that made her phone fall. "Oh I'm sorry" wheein apologizes and was about to pick up her phone but a hand grabbed her phone first. " Here," the person said reaching the phone. "Thank you-" wheein was cut off when she saw the face that she really despite the most. The reason for her misery and everything that happened. "Wheein! Long time no see" V greeted her with a smile but wheein didn't bother to have it back. "What are you doing here?" Wheein asked while furrowing her brows to him. V raised her arms freely showing that he is harmless. "Whoa whoa, wheein relax I'm harmless" V playfully said to her. " Well, I heard you were free now so... Can I marry you" V unexpectedly asked seductively. Wheein frowned, "you're the reason why byul left me" wheein shouted at her. But v playfully laughed at it like it's some joke. "But... You kissed back?" V whispered to wheein that made her shiver. Then V moved closer to her grabbing wheein arms. She tried to avoid it but the guy was too strong. "Can I taste you again?" V asked and was about to kiss her but the elevator door opened revealing moon byul.

"Byul" wheein called and pushed V away. She thought moon byul will react or punch V or strangle him. But she just passed by them like she didn't notice them. Moon byul walked away with a crying heart. But outside her is pure coldness. "Byul wait!" Wheein called following her wife's pace. But what happened back then she doesn't give a fuck to look back. They reached the office, it seems like the air conditioner is not working since the hot tension inside the office was strong.

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