Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- " Family"

Moon byul was in the living room early in the morning. Well, she reflects on what she did last night. She almost traumatized her daughter. That's why she called her daughter. "Baby, I'm sorry for what happened last night can you forgive Daddy?" Moon byul asked. Gabriella nodded and gave her daddy a kiss. "It's ok daddy, but mommy is hurt too you need to say sorry to her too," Gabriella said to her made moon byul glance at her wife who is busy cooking breakfast. Moon byul nodded to her daughter's request.

Then Gabriella went back to what she was doing. Gabriella is right, moon byul must have hurt wheein's feelings as well. But the thought of leaving the past behind is unacceptable. She can't just let it pass because she was hurt. Moon byul is hurt, you don't know what to do if you saw your wife kissing someone. And the fact that she married a woman. She might think that she was disgusted to have her and willing to leave her too. But the thought of wheein wanting to see her daughter again. Changes he thoughts of Moon byul. 'What if she didn't mean the kiss back then? Moon byul thought.

"Gabriella let's eat now" wheein called. She is still down about what happened last night. But who is she to be mad? She's the reason for all of it. "Let's go now daddy and say you are sorry to mommy," Gabriella said pulling byul to the table. Moon byul was silent and glancing at Gabriella who is giving her you can do it look. On the other hand, wheein is quietly distributing the food on Gabriella's plate. " Wheein honey~~ I'm sorry" moon byul whispered but Enough to be heard. Wheein froze on her spot when she heard what her wife said. Moon byul then pushed aside the plate wheein was holding and slowly grabbed her hand caressing it by her thumb. "Can you forgive me, Mommy?" Moon byul asked sincerely smiling to wheein. Wheein looked up at her. There's no trace of fake expressions. Gabriella was smiling at them.

" Please?" Moon byul asked. Wheein was shocked and at the same time, her heart started to beat rapidly like she was in a marathon. " Yes..." Wheein said, then moon byul immediately hugged her. " Mommy forgave daddy yehey~" the little girl cheered earning a laugh from byul and wheein.

The morning breakfast went well and the awkwardness between wheein and moon byul dropped into a family vibe.


"Moon byul someone is finding you" the family was startled. Moon byul went out of the dining room and went to the living room. The doors are open wide revealing her girlfriend Yong sun. "Byul!!" Yong sun shouted running to moon byul and hugged her. Byul was shocked, that she had almost forgotten the person she was attached to. " Yong sun..."


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