"you scared of me?"

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*y/n's pov the next morning*

I woke up and felt someone in my bed. I got up a screamed.

Zach: Y/n! Chill its just me!

Y/n: What the fuck are you doing?!

Zach: Sleeping?

Y/n: Get out of my room!

Zach: You're still gonna be like that?

Y/n: Yes! Just because you took Mattia away doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with you!

Zach: Then I guess you will have to deal with me for the rest of our lives.

Shit... the wedding is next week..

Zach: Forget about the wedding my dear?

Y/n: Don't call me that.

Zach: Deal with it sweetheart.

Y/n: Fuck you.

Zach grabbed my jaw and held it tightly, causing me to flinch.

Zach: You scared of me?

I stayed silent. Zach terrifies me. I want Mattia to come back. I need him... I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. Zach smashed his lips against mine forcefully. I didn't kiss back.

Zach: Its good that you're scared of me.

He grabbed me by my hair and pulled making me look up. I grabbed his hand trying to loosen his grip on my hair to ease the pain. He pecked my neck.

Zach: Soon you will see how good I treat you. Soon you will be my queen and I will finaly be king.

He let go and left my room. Mattia.... Where are you....

*Mattia's pov*

Crystal hasn't been down in about an hour. What is she planning? Doesn't matter, I need to get out of here. If y/n is still with Zach- Alone... He better not lay a finger on her. Kairi and Alejandro are still free and can protect her if she needs it. I have a plan for when I get out how I will keep y/n safe, but first I gotta figure out how to get out of here. I heard a conversation between two men in the office in the basement.

??? 1: Where do we put them?

??? 2: with the 3rd one, Crystal will tell us when Zach's ready for them.

They were moving two bodies. Kairi and Alejandro. Y/n's really alone... They chained them to the floor with their cuffs. The men left and Kairi looked up. They both had cloths in their mouths keeping them quiet. Kairi looked relieved.

Mattia: How did you guys get caught? Oh shit my bad.

Alejandro started waking up. Kairi managed to get the cloth out of his mouth.

Kairi: We tracked your ring here.

Mattia: where are we?

Kairi: At Crystal's home.

Mattia: Damn. Okay I have a plan. They will transfer you guys to Zach.

Kairi shivered.

Mattia: And when you are there, be as loud as possible. Y/n will get curious and look around. Once you guys get out come back here for me.

Kairi: Okay, but what are we gonna do about Zach?

Mattia: I have a plan.

*Kairi's pov*

Mattia just told me and Ale what his plan was after we get out to keep y/n safe.

Kairi: Are you fucking stupid?! She won't forgive you! Or me and Alejandro if we agree to this!

Ale nodded in agreement.

Mattia: Yes she will! She will understand our reasons!

Kairi: YOUR reasons. You can go through with it but I'm not helping you. That plan is flawed in so many ways.

Ale got the cloth out.

Ale: He's right. We can think of something else.

Mattia: No its fool proo-

The door to the basement opened. Alejandro and I got the cloths back in our mouths. Crystal walked down.

Crystal: My, my its a party now huh?

She talks like a 60 year old- oh wait she is.

Crystal: Alejandro De Jesus Rosario.

She walked towards him slowly. She grabbed his chin and stared at him.

Crystal: If you were older, I'd make you my husband.

Alejandro looked at her with disgust. She rolled her eyes and turned my way. She walked up to me and did the same. Grabbing my jaw, forcing me to look at her.

Crystal: Kairi Samuel Cosentino, the thorn in my side. Since day one you have not yet failed at interrupting my plans.

She squeezed my jaw trying to get a reaction, but I didn't give in. I've been through this thousands of times. She slapped me and I kept a straight face, but still felt  pain. She walked towards a table. When shd turned back towards me she has a knife.

Crystal: Do you think Zach would be mad if I had a little fun with you two?

I kept still.

Mattia: Don't. I'm the one you wanted, they are Zach's.

Crystal: Shut up! Who said you would talk!

She rushed towards him and put the knife to his cheek.

Mattia: Do your worst...

She pressed the knife down causing blood to drip from his cheek. She slowly slid it down, deepening the wound. She groaned in frustration when he gave no reaction. She started walking towards me again. She put the knife on my cheek, cleaning it with my cheek.

Crystal: You aren't scared of blood are you?

I hate blood, but I can manage.

She went back towards Mattia and walked behind him. His breathing quickened. I can't see what she is doing. Mattia began to groan because of the pain. Ale and I looked at each other shocked. Mattia never breaks.

Crystal: Confused? After four long hours I found his weakness. Heat.

She spun him and revealed the hundreds of fresh burn marks on his back. The door opened and Zach came down the stairs.

Zach: What are you doing Crystal?

Crystal: Having fun?

Zach: Pcycopath.

He mumbled so only I heard. He stepped towards me. He tilted his head examining me. Out of no where he punched my gut. I hung over because of the pain. I feel like I'm going to throw up. He grabbed my jaw and pulled me up.

Zach: I hoped you would have been gotten killed by the hunters. I underestimated you.

He punched me and I blacked out.

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