"I hate him..."

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Kairi's pov*

She's gone... All alone...

Kairi: You're stupid.

I got in my car and Alejandro followed. I drove off leaving Mattia behind. I don't know what to do. I have no idea where she is or where she is going.

Ale: We have to take care of Zach...

Kairi: But how long is that going to take...?

Ale: I don't know...

God I hope we can save her soon.

*y/n's pov*

God I'm all alone on a jet to Italy and I have no idea how much money I have. My phone will be useless. God fuck you Mattia. I checked my phone and saw the directions to his family's house.

Y/n: Fuck you.

I put my phone down and waited for the jet to land.
Once I landed, I walked to a atm that trades money and traded my American money to Euros. I felt sick and ran to a bathroom. I threw up. I'm so nervous. When I walked out of the bathroom I was stopped.

???: ciao bella ti sei persa? (Hello beautiful are you lost?)

Y/n: Uh I'm sorry.

???: Oh you speak English?

Y/n: Yes I do.

???: Well I said Hello, beautiful are you lost?

I started to tear up.

???: I'm sorry did I say something wrong?

Y/n: No I am very lost, but I don't want to go back home.

???: Well I'm Mar.

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

Mar: Well If you are comfortable I have a place for you to stay. Its a club but it's all I have at the moment.

Y/n: I would appreciate it.

We left and when we got to the club it wasn't very nice.

Mar: I know what your thinking, its dirty, empty, and cold, but it's a working process.

Y/n: I have an idea.

Mar: Oh yeah?

Y/n: What if I helped you clean this place up and I work here as a waitress, and you teach me italian and give me a place to stay until I can get my own place.

Mar: Deal.

We shook on it and everything went smoothly. Mar treated me like a little sister. God I miss Kairi and Alejandro. Mar showed me my room and it was a loft room that looked down on the club. I once I unpacked my things I threw up again.

Mar: Y/n? Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I think I ate something bad...

Mar: Are you sure...?

Y/n: I don't know...

Mar looked at me nervously.

Mar: Have you made love recently?

Y/n: Oh god...

Mar: What?

Y/n: I need to sit down....

I sat down and Mar sat next to me. I need to tell him why I'm here...

Y/n: I have... I should tell you how I got here...

Mar: Okay, take your time.

After I told him even he was pissed.

Mar: That fucker... So your friend chased the jet?

Y/n: Yeah Kairi did... What am I going to do if I'm pregnant...

Mar: Here you will stay here and now work until the kid is born if you have one, and once you can work, I will give you a permanent job here. As a stripper or waitress, you're choice.

Y/n: You have been way too kind Mar... Thank you.

I have him a hug and he hugged back. He got up and walked to the bathroom and came back with a pregnancy test.

Mar: I had these handy for the dancers.

I walked into the bathroom and took the test. I sat down on the bed and waited.

Mar: Do you think its ready now?

I started to cry. He hugged me trying to comfort me.

Y/n: I don't know what I am going to do if I'm pregnant....

Mar: Whatever happens I'll be here.

Y/n: You've only just met me. I'm a stranger but you insist on helping me...

Mar: You remind me of my little sister, she committed suicide four years ago.

Y/n: Oh I- I'm so sorry.

Mar: Its okay. I'll bring the test.

Mar left the room and came back with it in hand. He handed it to me and held my other hand. I flipped the test over...

*five years later y/n's pov*

(From now on they will be speaking italian but ion wanna translate everything.)

Mar and I fixed his club and it is now #1 in the city. I work wherever I'm needed, the champagne rooms, the poles, anywhere. The club is named Il fiore perduto or The Lost Flower. Thats my stage name is Flower. I was serving drinks tonight and was having a good time. Mar taught me how to speak Italian because I needed to learn.

Mar: You should go home. You've been here all day, I'll get the other girls to clean up.

Y/n: Are you sure? I can help.

Mar: yes I'm sure, go home to Giovanni.

Y/n: Okay.

I grabbed my things and left the club. I was able to get my own apartment within one month of giving birth to Giovanni, my baby boy. Mattia's son...

I came home and payed the sitter. Her name is Camilla. She is 19 years old and works the opposite shift as me at the club. She started as a babysitter for me and she took interest to working at the club once Giovanni turned 2 she wanted to work as a waitress and she still does.

Camilla: Y/n! Hey, Giovanni was amazing as always he just went to bed.

Y/n: Thank you so much Camilla, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Here.

I payed her 50€, 10€ more than usual.

Camilla: Thank you so much y/n!

I gave her a hug and she left. I walked into my room where Giovanni and I sleep. My apartment is small one bedroom one bathroom but its all I need to take care of Giovanni. I got ready for bed and did my facial routine. I layed down and just like every night thought about Mattia...

I hate him...

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