"He's not all that."

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*Kairi's pov four hours ago*

We were removed from Crystal's basement. I had found a pair of wire cutters and put them in my pants. When we were being moved, the four men would not shut up. Like I don't care about how good your girl treats you, talk about sum important. They did start talking about Zach and y/n's wedding. Still boring...

Guy#1: Yeah they are going to a club in New York.

Guy#2: Why? Is he bringing y/n?

Guy#1: Yeah and because he has a heist tonight and wanted y/n on his shoulder all night.

Guy#3: And you wouldn't?

Guy#4: I'm with him, y/n is absolutely gorgeous. ( ;) )


We got to our destination and the men started carrying me out of the car. I could hear someone calling Y/n's name. Hopefully Mattia is right, but I won't need her help getting out. She needs my help more. After they locked me and Alejandro they took of the blondfolds then left and locked the cellar. We were chained to the floor with our arms in front if us.

Kairi: Ale...?

Ale: Yeah?

Kairi: Are you good?

Ale: I'm fine. How are we getting out.

Kairi: I found these.

I pulled the wire cutters out of my pants.

Ale: Ew how long have those been there?

Kairi: Too long.

I started trying to cut the cuffs. After a minute they cut but now I had two cuffs that weren't connected. I cut Alejandro's and we tried to open the door. As we looked for anything to open it there is nothing the room is completely empty.

Ale: Wait I have an idea. Come here.

He pulled me to the top of the stairs and into the small space behind the door.


The four men ran into the room and me and Alejandro pushed them down the stairs. I grabbed one of the guns and pointed it at the men. Alejandro continued looting the men.

Guy#1: Please! I have a family to go home to!

Kairi: I'm not going to kill you.... Unless you don't obey.

They stayed silent and Alejandro and I slowly walked up the stairs leaving the men in the cellar.

Ale: Oh and you shouldn't be here for too long... Trust me, Zach will be home pretty soon after we catch up to him.

Ale: Alright now to find a car.

I pulled out keys that I took from one of the guards. I pushed the unlock button so I could find the correct suv.

Kairi: I know exactly what club he's going to.

Ale: Shouldn't we get Mattia first?

Kairi: No. Our one priority is to keep y/n safe and she is going to be in the middle of a heist.

Ale: You're right.

I drove as fast as I could because we are an hour behind them. It takes about 2 hours to get to new york city, I'll do it in 30 minutes.

Once we got to the club Alejandro and I checked to see how many bullets were in the clips and how many clips we had. We walked inside and I scaned the area I saw Zach and Y/n. He grabbed her jaw and said something to her. He then kissed her lips. She looked uncomfortable at first then she melted into the kiss.

I pulled my gun and waited. I can't kill Zach. But what if I do? No harm done in killing him right here right now. Once he saw my gun he flipped the table. I shot the bodyguards around them and saw y/n. I'm mad. Why did she kiss back? She wouldn't do that to Mattia... would she? Ale signaled me to grab Y/n then fall back. I moved towards table and grabbed her hand.

Kairi: Lets go! We need to leave!

She hopped over the table and Zach grabbed her dress. I kicked his hand and I think I broke one or two of his fingers. He tried to get up but I placed the barrel on his forehead. All the gun fire stopped.

Kairi: If I ever see you try to lay a finger on her again, I won't spare you. You'll be dead soon enough.

I started to walk away and Zach called out.

Zach: You don't know that.

Kairi: If Alejandro and I were able to take all of your men out and get y/n without anyone hurt, what do you think Mattia could do?

Zach: He'll never get out. He's not all that.

Kairi: Think what you want, but your confidence is going to bite you in the ass.

I grabbed y/n's wrist and left the club we got in the car and Alejandro in the passenger seat. I started driving and y/n looked confused.

Y/n: Whats wrong Kairi? You look mad.

Kairi: Nothing. Just overthinking.

Y/n: Kairi I know you're mad at me. Why?

Kairi: Cause you enjoyed that kiss with Zach!

Ale: Hey Kai don't jump to conclusions.

Kairi: You saw her expression!

He thought about it then stayed silent. Y/n had tears in her eyes.

Y/n: You really think I enjoyed it... I hated the fact that Zach was blackmailing me! So I imagined I was kissing Mattia... I miss him so much.

Kairi: I'm sorry for assuming y/n. Our next stop is your parents house.

Y/n: What? why?

Kairi: Because your mother has him.


Ale: They made some sort of deal, she got Mattia and Zach got Kairi and I.

Y/n: God I hope he is okay...

*Mattia's pov*

Once Crystal found how to get a reaction from me she hasn't stopped. I hate being here alone. Kairi and Alejandro should be here soon unless escaping is taking longer.
I don't know how much longer I can do this. I need y/n... I miss her so much...

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