You're A Peach

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Finding Alexandria had been a miracle, at least you thought so. Rick thought all these people were fools and didn't know what they were doing. Daryl acted like a caged animal, refusing to speak to anyone outside the group. You kept close to Daryl as he'd been a bit more unpredictable lately. You knew he could snap at any second. He'd warmed up to you during your time together although you knew in your heart he'd never see you the same way you saw him. He treated you almost like a sister. But you just didn't seem him like a brother, not even a little bit. Every time he grabbed your arm to lead you away from danger, every time his fingers brushed yours when he handed you something, every time you felt the warmth of his body when he went past you, your heart skipped a beat and you just wanted to grab him and kiss him. It was almost like an addiction. But you were pretty sure that you were hiding your feelings well. They would always be one sided so it was somewhat easy to keep your feelings a secret from him.

"I'm gonna get some supplies from the pantry," you said, "Feel like we could use a nice dinner after the past few days that we've had. What do you think, Daryl?"

Daryl shrugged, "Wouldn't be a terrible idea I guess."

"Perfect," you said, patting his firm arms, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

You headed out, glancing at Daryl once more before you walked out the door. The fact that he would never see you as anything more than a friend broke your heart. You thought for a moment that maybe you should accept it and explore your options, invest your love in someone who would actually return it. But could you ever do that?

As you shut the front door behind you, you noticed Spencer, Deanna's son walking past the house. He stopped as you walked down your porch steps and he smiled, "Hey, Y/N. How're you doing this afternoon?"

"I'm doing fine," you replied. He started walking again once you were beside him, "What're you up to, Spencer?"

"Nothin' much," he said, "Just decided to take a walk. What about you? Where are you headed?"

"I was gonna see what I could scrounge up from the pantry for dinner tonight," you explained, "Some of my people seem to be struggling to adjust."

"But you're not," Spencer said, "I think that's great, Y/N. Well, since you're doing that tonight, what're your plans tomorrow night?"

"Uh, I'm not sure, why?" you mumbled.

"Maybe you could have dinner at my house instead," he said, "Get to know each other a little bit better."

Spencer's intentions were obvious and it was flattering that he wanted to spend time with you but he wasn't your type. Sticking with your group seemed like the comfortable option and perhaps you should've been willing to move outside of that comfort zone. And you would, just not with him.

"That's very sweet," you said, "Maybe some other time. We're still getting settled around here it's just not the right time."

Spencer's shoulders slumped a little even though he was trying to hide the disappointment in his face, "Sure, sure."

Maybe you hadn't made your feelings clear enough because even though you were done with the exchange, he still followed you into the pantry, asking what you were thinking of making, showing you different items and making suggestions. And while his interest was nice, it was getting a little annoying. You just wanted to grab what you needed and he was prolonging the process.

He even walked you back to the house, though whatever he was saying to you was being tuned out at this point. Once you were back inside your house, he couldn't bother you unless he decided to follow you there too.

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