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"Would you be still. You only have five minutes until you have to go on set." I'm Luna Jones and I'm Norman's hair stylist/makeup artist. I'm also his personal assistant; I answer his calls, give him his fan art, answer his emails, arrange interviews, etc. He moves while I try straightening his hair. "Mr. Reedus, if you do not stop moving right now...then I'm going to end up burning you. Now I know you're anxious for this scene of the show, but you're going to do great." He sighs and finally stops moving. "It's not the show that I'm anxious about Luna." I finish his hair and turn the straightener off, setting it down. "Then what is it, Sir?" He plays with his fingers while thinking. "Diane is fighting for custody of Mingus. I love my son Luna, I can't loose him. He's my world. I don't know what to do though." I sigh and walk over to the door, shutting it. I turn back around and walk over to Norman, crouching down in front of him. "Look at me. You are a great father to Mingus and an even better dad. You tell me when she wants to go to court and I'll cancel anything you have planned for that day and the day after too, because you will go to court for him. And you will get custody of him, if not full custody then partial." He starts tearing up and quickly wipes his eyes.

"Thank you Luna, I don't know what I'd do without you." I smile and stand up, going back to the door and opening it for him. "You'd loose your head and you mind, Sir." He chuckles at my statement and leaves the room. *After court* My phone rings as I finish answering an email for Norman. I pick up my phone without looking who it is. "Hel-" I'm interrupted before I can say anything else. "I got custody! God damn, I can't believe I did it Luna!" I send the email and close my laptop with a small smile on my face. "That's great to hear Mr. Reedus. I'm proud of you." He laughs and I hear Mingus in the background laughing too. "We're going to celebrate, I want you to come over and celebrate with us." I sigh and look around my apartment, I really need to clean it. "Alright, what time and where." He quickly answers me. "My house, 5 o'clock. Can't wait to see you there." I chuckle and he hangs up.

I put my phone down on the table and get up, going into my bedroom and looking through my closet for something to wear. I've been Normans assistant and whatnot for over 5 years now and he has no clue how I feel towards him. I've always been their for him in any way he needed me most; a shoulder to cry on, an ear to talk to, a friend for advise, etc. But he doesn't know that I like, I love him. But somebody like Norman Reedus could never love somebody like me in this world. I'm not a supermodel, I hardly ever wear makeup, I don't wear dresses unless necessary. He deserves so much better than me....and he can do so much better. I sigh and decide to go with something casual.

 I sigh and decide to go with something casual

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