Unconditional Love

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Date: October 4, 2020

I never dreamed that I will ever go back to my old self. God changed me. He did and he is still into it. I'll be honest, I am not the perfect Christian ever lived and no one will because Romans 3:23 said that "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". If you feel condemned because you turned your back to God, don't be. Trust me, I know the feeling of living condemning myself for what I did. I'm not saying that it is okay to keep on sinning, it is not but falling on your knees right now is the very reason that God is alive because He will prove to you that He still into you. He is giving you His attention. Having troubles and trials is proof that God is still into your life and He never forsakes you. I am writing now because I don't want all the backsliders like me to suffer from the mistakes that I ever done and that is not coming back in the presence of God. Keep on praising even you don't feel anything, keep eating your spiritual food and ask God for understanding (see proverbs 3:5-6), change your music to listen and friends to go with. Reach out for the people in the church, the true church will never harm someone that is already bleeding. I am so bless because God is alive in His promises, that even I don't believe on those promises anymore, yet He still showed me His glorious power that He is working in my life. I honetly lost my passion, my faith, my everything because I start loving the world and when the world turn back from me, I lost my strength, my mind and soul. I don't know anymore how to give love to others and even to God but I start confessing my sin and He ddi take it all back to the cross reminding me of who am I and who my God is and How powerful He is. Nobody is like Jesus, He is our everything and even everything falls apart just remember the Isaiah 55:8-9 that God's thoughts is always higher than our thought and His ways and higher than our ways. Never ever be confused of God's unconditional love for everyone. God is not demanding us to be perfect but He is just asking for us to be humble and come back to His presence and prioritize Him in all of our ways.

Spoken Words (Inspire By God)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon