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Author's Note:
Hola peeps!! I am happy to publish the very first part of the fourth book in the Rainbow Series. And please note that Bangtan can speak English well in my series. So, that's all. Have a happy reading!!


"I looked into his eyes today and I knew it all. He loves me so much"

"I wish this world is safer, I wish they would accept us and I wish there is us"

"I don't want to leave you dear, but I can't leave him either. I love him and I love you too."

Closing the book, I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. I looked at my wrist and it reminded me of her.

I miss you Baji.

I went to the washroom to freshen up myself and let the warm water trace my body. It is 5:30 AM and this is the usual time I get up. I draped myself into clean clothes and wore my headscarf to cover my face except for the eyes.

I got down the hall and I could see Baba and Ammi already in their position. I motioned quietly towards them. We took our positions and started reciting the prayers in Arabic.

As we finished the prayer, Ammi went to the kitchen. Baba sat on the sofa and started reading a book. I went to my room without speaking another word.

I packed my bag and made sure everything is in the right place. I am a way too excited for my first day in the music academy. The only thing which I love in this world is music. I remember Ammi begging Baba to buy me the violin and he agreed to it after four long months.

As I traced my fingers over the smooth wooden instrument, I felt an unknown tingling feeling. Was I destined to play this? I learned all the basics from online, but I want to learn more.

Ever since I shifted to Seoul, I never talked to anyone. I heard the kids are verily fast and I am a snail to reach their pace. I wish to see, what's their speed and why am I a snail?

I then opened my windows for the sunrays to sneak in. I felt so warm. I was never so happy before. Finally, I get to see the world out of this house. I get to see Seoul, as my friends in Saudi described.

"Nazeera, come down to have your breakfast child", Ammi called and I went down the stairs. It was vegetable pancakes and eggs. Ammi started to learn cooking Korean dishes ever since we landed here. Thank God! Baba didn't object to this.

"Ammi, it is so yummy", my mom tapped my head and smiled. She loves it if anyone appreciates her, especially for her food. I pull down the scarf when I eat and cover my face again after completing the meal. I looked at my watch and noticed that I still have half an hour left. 

"Ammi, I ate well. I will go up and get my things now", I spoke and she nodded. I went to my room and checked for the umpteenth time if I missed out on anything. Being satisfied that everything is fine, I left the room with a smile.

"Ammi, shall we go?"

"Yes, come on", my mother gave a lovely smile and my father kept his expression neutral.

"Remember what I told you", he uttered in a low yet deep voice. 

"I remember Baba, I will behave well", I nodded and we left from there. 

I feel the cold breeze traveling through my hands which were uncovered. I covered my face with a scarf and all my clothes are full-sleeved. The roads were beautiful. 

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