Not an Illusion

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I smacked into a wall. A shucking wall. I saw a little Reyna, then smacked into a SHUCKING WALL. I don't know what girl's have against my face. First Reyna cuts my cheek, then this little girl got me pancaked onto a wall probably leaving a bruise somewhere on one of God's most beautiful creations.

"M-MAHAHAHA! Minho, y-you okay?" Thomas jogged up to us. I was almost squashed earlier by the changing maze, and now here I am, on the ground, because I stupidly ran into a wall, with Thomas laughing down at me.

"Hey... You alive?" I felt someone poking my side with their foot.

"I don't think so... I think I got stung, and saw my future flash before my eyes. I saw a teeny-weeny Reyna before I went splat on the wall. Are you Teeny Reyna? Are we both dead? Shuck, did I kill you too?!" I groaned.

"Minho... I-I'm gonna go... I think I'm seeing things. Right now, Reyna looks like a 7 year-old, and it freaks me out. I need some water." Thomas' foot steps echoed as he jogged back to the glade. Leaving me alone with a teeny Reyna.

"Come on giant, time to go back to the group of people over there, and my name's Minnie, NOT Teeny." I looked up, and and the mini-sized Reyna was crossing her arms with a scowl plastered on her face.

"HEY KID! IS HE DEAD?!" Alby called.

"HOPEFULLY!" She answered back. Slowly, I got up from the ground and walked back to the Glade, with a mini-sized Reyna trailing behind me. Something clung onto my leg in the process.

"What are you doing?"

"I couldn't keep up with your giant steps! Just keep walking, this is pretty fun." Mini-Reyna slapped my knee. So I kept walking, with a child sitting on my foot.

"How you feeling Minho?" Clint poked around my face.

"My everywhere hurts."

"Is it something Reyna can fix?" Clint smirked.


"Newt... NEWT.... Newt... Newt..." A voice echoed through my head.


"I'M UP." My head shot up, instantly feeling woozy. I opened my eyes and saw Reyna. THE Reyna, holding a glass of water over my head.

"How ya feeling?" She gave me the water.

"A little dizzy, but nothing I can't jump up from. You know Reyna, I had this weird dream where you were a child, and running around the Glade with-"

"Reyna Giant's awake!" A little girl's head popped up.

"He-Holy... Holy dipshits..." Black spots started to enter my vision, and they seem to be growing bigger... And bigger... And bigger...


"Hey giant, Reyna'll be here soon. The British guy blacked out because I was so fabulous he couldn't handle my presence. How's your everywhere feel'n?"

"Oh nothing Reyna can't fix later, if ya know what I mean." Giant smiled to himself.

"If you mean the freaky dicky, then I'm just gonna say it. You won't get any action looking like you had your face kicked in by some rabid Chuck. So stop acting cocky and look in the mirror before you go all wow... I'm a gift from the heavens. Giant, with your face knocked up, I'm winning the "cuter than everyone in the glade" contest... Although Newt's competition... His accent just... Throws you off the high horse. " I sighed. Did I go a little to far? Nah, this guy was just asking for it!

"Whatever, you or Newt may win in looks, but I'll just sass my ass to the crown. Now, can you take these papers to the mapping hut?" Giant handed me 4 papers with a bunch of lines and arrows on it.

"What's the mapping hut?"

"Just find Chuck and tell him to give this to a runner." Giant sighed.

I don't really know what is where, and where the heck I am. It's kind of stupid of Giant to give me an errand. I only knew where the kitchen and homestead was, so I went to the kitchen.

"HELLOOO!" I called around.

"Reyna that you?" Some guy with a spatula and white apron walked out from the back.

"...No, but I'm just wondering where Chuck is."

"Who's there?" The guy looked around, clearly too high from where my head was.

"Hey!" I waved my arms. "My eyes are down here."

"Uh... You're the one who bit Zart's finger. Erm... Hi. I'm Frypan, the guy who cooks the food around here."

"I'm Minnie." Frypan held his laughs in. "Ha, ha. Very funny. Oh, I'm so small, and my name is Mini. Now, I was just asking where Chuck is, or where the mapping hut is." I crossed my arms.

"S-Sorry..." He chuckled. "Uhh... Chuck's cleaning the showers, and the mapping hut is over there." Frypan pointed at a hut near the edge of the forest.

"Thanks." I muttered.

As I got to the front, there was that guy that came out of the maze with Giant, resting on a tree a few feet from the door. I remember his name being Thomas.

"Psst!" I shook his shoulder.

"Not in the mood... I'm tired..." Thomas groaned.

"Are you a runner?" I asked.

"Reyna I swear if this is one of Minho's cheesy pick up lines, you wanna try out, go use them on Gally. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of that." Thomas sighed.

"Can you open your freaking eyes?!" I snapped.

"Hm?" Thomas' eyes slowly opened. "I'm still dehydrated? Why am I still seeing... Younger Reyna?" He rubbed his eyes.


"Uh... Y-Yeah, sorry."

"Thank you for FINALLY answering my question. Minho wanted me to give these papers to a runner, which you are yes?"


"Good." I shoved the papers in his hands. "You know for a runner, you aren't that bright, because I, am not an illusion. Never was, never will. See you around!" I skipped away, trying to find the guy called Gally. I wanna find out if his eyebrows got as much game as these.

*wiggles both eye-brows*

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