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"Andy, you killed again." She whispered, softly touching my burning cheek.

"I'm sorry, mom! I'm trying, please! I don't want to hurt anyone else!" I cried, holding her wrist, but she shook her head and smiled softly.

"You will find your place, my son." She whispered then I growled as my body began to heat up.

"Wake up, Andy." She said and I shook my head.


"Andrew, please, wake up!" I shot up then stared at my foster dad as he shook me.

"Come on!" He yelled then I realized the house was on fire. I got up then ran after him, following him out and seeing my foster mom with their baby in her arms. Thank god! We got outside then I turned and realized the worst of the flames were coming from my room.

"Our house!" My foster mom cried, but I looked at them and shook my head.

"I didn't-"

"We didn't think the warnings were true! You're a pyromaniac!" My foster dad, Bryan, yelled, but I shook my head as the firetrucks showed up.


"Andy, do you understand this? They're pressing charges for attempted murder." I looked at my social worker then shook my head.

"I didn't start the fire, I was asleep-"

"You always say that, but the fire always starts in your bedroom. This makes the seventh fire you've started, we can't send you to another-"

"Excuse me, is this Andrew Price?" I turned then eyed the man in the wheelchair with the skinny twink next to him. The twink wore a leather jacket that looked almost too big, he had dark hair that hung in his face, chocolate brown eyes, and pale skin.

"Yes, who are you?" My social worker, Carrie, asked and the man smiled.

"I am simply a man looking for special children-"

"Andrew isn't a special child-"

"He has ADHD, dyslexia, and is a supposed pyromaniac because mysterious fires begin around his sleeping form. I am Mr. Brunner, I run a camp that specializes in helping these children learn to live with their differences from the world." He said then I looked at Carrie, who didn't seem to be buying his bs.

"And who is this with you, Mr. Brunner?" Carrie asked then I looked at the twink, who was crossing his arms now.

"This is Nico Di'Angelo, he is one of my many campers that I have helped." Mr. Brunner said then I looked at Carrie again, who was eyeing me.

"Well, unfortunately, Andy-"

"I have his dad in the hallway as well. His biological father, who has been searching for Andrew." I stared at Mr. Brunner, as did Carrie, then I slowly stood and she shot up.


"This could be my real dad, Carrie!" I growled then she went to touch me, but I slapped her hands off.

"I'm meeting him!" I spit and she nodded, stepping back as I turned to the man in the wheelchair and the boy who reached my collarbones.

"I wanna meet him." I said and Mr. Brunner turned, leading me out. When we got to the hallway, I saw a man in a black suit. He was big, burly, and had long dark hair that reached his shoulders. The color was like my hair when I was born, but it changed to a bright red as I grew older and no one knew why. He stood almost seven feet tall, easy, but as he looked at me, I saw the same eye color that I had. I knew, in my heart, I knew that this guy was my father.

"Andrew." He breathed then smiled as he saw me.

"Son, I-I'm so sorry! I've been trying to find you-" He stopped as I hugged him then he held me tightly, almost crushing me.

"We will need a DNA test-"

"Shut up, Carrie!" I growled then she looked shocked as I glared at her.

"This guy is my dad, so go off and fuck your boss again!" I snapped then she glared.


"If this is a foster system, then I will take him in-"

"You aren't a foster father, Mr.?" Carrie asked and I looked at my dad then he smiled.

"Harry, my name is Harry Black." He said then I smiled.

"I will take my son in as a foster parent or I can simply take him, as his mother and I were married-"

"His mother was single-"

"It was a Vegas wedding." Dad said then Mr. Brunner smirked as I moved so that my dad could go closer to Carrie.

"Give me my son, or I will have my lawyers down here faster-"

"Then call them." She growled and I looked at her.


"Andy, we searched for years to find your father! If the legal system couldn't find him, how could some cripple from a disability camp find him?!" She growled then I went over and punched her, knocking her to the ground.

"You're just a selfish bitch! The more foster kids you got on your tab, the more you get paid! You don't wanna hand me to my dad because you don't wanna lose that extra five grand!" I growled then she glared up at me as security ran over, grabbing me.

"Take him to a conference room with Mr. Brunner, Mr. Black, and Mr. Di'Angelo. We'll have his lawyers show up there." Carrie said as she stood, wiping blood from her nose.

"Andy, that's assault-"

"It's not assault if you're kidnapping a child, fucking bitch!" I yelled as security tried to drag me away, but my dad grabbed me and I looked at him.

"Son, please, let's just go. I'll have you soon, I promise, we just need to do as the woman says." He said and I nodded, relaxing and following him and security. When we got to the conference room, I noticed the security guards weren't leaving, but I laid back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at the guards.

"I have never had to fight for one of my campers before." I looked at Mr. Brunner then smirked.

"Yeah? Welcome to the foster system where we hit our social bitches and get kidnapped for money!" I joked, making the twink actually crack a smile and my dad grin.

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